Evil, sub, anti or dis?

Dean looked carefully. They looked familiar...he'd seen them somewhere before..
oh no...
not those!!
MP's underwear!
"You know, you really can't do this to me."
"Oh, but I can."
"Well, ok, yes, you can. But do you want to? I've got lawyers....I've got Cerebrum! I could have my lawyers brand you as insane and insist you get treatment..."
Evil Phil paused.
"That's quite a threat you know." Evil Phil said and he gestured for the minion to stop.
"I do. Otherwise I wouldn't have said it. I doubt you'd have stopped if I'd gone "Ya boo sucks!" would you?
"Well, ok, yes, that's true, but still, I mean, to have the gall to say that! You're practically as evil as I am, have you considered a career as an evil mastermind."
"Being honest." said Dean, "I couldn't rise to 'master'mind. How about "Evil Mind" then?"
"Doesn't have the ring to it does it?" pointed out EP.
"Hmm... no."
EP clicked his fingers, and a minion wandered out with a piece of paper and a pen. EP sat at a table. "Right, 'ideas for Dean's -mind name'. Any thoughts?"
"Evil Submind?"
"Evil semi-mind?"
Dean "dis, no, sub, no antimind" Thomas 

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