a huge efof mistake

''Hello little lady,'' said efof slightly drunkenly.
''Grr go away, valentines is depressing enough without you invading my space!'' shouted Emma Bonney.
''Your what now?'' Emma's anger was geting worse. Every valentines was the same every one had somebody else and she had no one. They were always kissing and hugging, it was enough to make someone sick. For some reason she never managed to find boyfriends only one night stands, perhaps it was her explosive violence? The worse thing about this valentines was that it seemed efof would be her only company. So she had only one choice, get drunk until efof looked.... well not how he looked now. He had to at least look human.
''So are you buyin' me a drink?''
''err ok, what will it be, a vodka, cocktail?''
''A pint''
''Of what,''
''Of anything with alcohol in it. So whats with the get up?''
''This? oh these are seymours.'' Emma spat out her drink and burst out laughing. It looked like valentines day was getting better, it was only early and she'd already had chance to laugh at seymour.
''So where did he get those from?''
''From his past he said.''
''Oh I see.'' Emma then ordered a drink, a strong drink, from the bar. She wanted Efof to get drunk to if the night was to be fun. ''Here drink this.''
''What is it?''
''Just drink it,''She said with a slightly pushy tone. So Efof drank quickly.
In about half an hour, they were both truly drunk, not just drunk but drruuunkkksshh. ''You know what Efof? I *hic* Love you mate.'' Emma then gave him a big hug and he responded with a wierd giggle. ''No it's true, don't deny it. The gargoyle is here to stay. He wants you to hear me.''
''The gargoyle? nonono its a goblin.'' Emma then made a wierd sshhh sound. then Efof began to sing. (blackadder fans will know this one.) ''See the little goblin see his little feet see his little toesie wose isn't the goblin sweet?'' ''OI!'' they both laughed loudly. A Bar man walked up to them. ''Excuse me but can you two please keep quiet you're disturbing everyone.'' Emma got up and walked towards him.
''I'm so sorry,'' she began to cry, ''We didn't mean to dishturb youuu.'' Then she punched him, knocking him out. Efof shouted ''Hurray'' and began to clap.
In another half hour they were both trying to play drunken games. Seeing who could wear the most paper hats at once and who could keep a pint glass stuck to their mouth the longest. The barman began to wake up. ''Come on lets get out off this place for silly boring people'' Emma shouted, ''lets go to a discooooo and dance aaaallll night. hehe''
''Yeah lets leave these love birds to it.'' Said Efof to no one in particular. Emma dragged him out, accidently kicking the bar man on the forehead as they walked away.
After wandering around for a long time, in searh of a disco, they came to Emma's room.
''Look.'' she said in wonder, ''We have magically been transported from the disco to my room!!!'' Efof began fighting with someone who wasn't there then hit his head on the wall.
The next day, Emma woke with a huge hangover, she hadn't had one this big since the valentines the year before. She tried to get off her bunk but something was stopping her. She looked at it. ''What who left their leg here?'' She took the blanket off her and the leg to reveal the owner of it. It was Efof. ''Nooooooooooooooooooo'' She began to panick. She looked at his head and looked away. ''But what would go where?'' Emma began wailing really loudly. ''AAAGGGHHHH NOOOOOOOOOO''Find out more about the new range of Premium Web services from MSN. Click here for more information.

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