*ACTION* they went in two by two

All engines powered down, leaving the several mile long lump
of steel to be just that... an inert piece of metal, unable to change its
direction in the force-less vacuum that is space.
Who:- Department heads.
Where:- Briefing Room.
“What the hell is going on here?!” Alota asked, standing at
the front of the briefing room, hand on hips.
“Meeting..” someone suggested “I mean..you called us
here for it”
“I didn’t call you here for sarcasm Phil I called you here
for answers! Mind telling me why the smeg your entire department has been sealed
“Well…because someone sealed it off!”
“Yes…I can see that clearly, but what I want to know is
“Well if I knew that I would have stopped em wouldn’t I!”
“I don’t know what you’re smirking at Jay”
Alota said, snapping at Jay who sat with his feet on the table, arms behind his
head, Alota was till sore a the way Jay had spoken to her earlier “Your
department was the first to go!”
“There’s only one thing for it..” said Alota “I
want security patrols in every area of the ship, NOONE goes anywhere without direct
authorisation from me, any resistance and we arrest people”


Who:- ?????
Where:- Cargo Bay’s
Jay stormed into the cargo bay’s. “I’ve been in the
staff meeting! They’ve increased security!” Jay shouted “We’ve
got no chance of taking the ship unless we act now”
”Relax they have no weapons, we do!” replied the woman who had
earlier taken control of the navigation deck. “And no-way off the ship….”
“That’s not the point, we’re gonna have to launch the
assault early, bring the prisoners to me, I want them to see this!”
Minutes later Jack and the woman returned to the main area of the cargo
bay, leading three prisoners at gunpoint.
“Gentlemen, and lady welcome!”
”WHAT the hell is going on here?!” asked Jack Febuggure, one of the
three prisoners.
“Oh really Jack I’d have thought you’d have figured
it out by now, you’ve been here since you returned from Plebe!”
“Figured what out?!” asked the second prisoner, Jay
Chrysler, battered and bruised from his scuffle in the lift.
”She knows” said the woman pointing at the third prisoner, Tara.
Jack and Jay looked at her.
“Yes..” she said “I do..Jay? Do you remember 2 years
ago when you came to in the medi-bay when you thought you’;d broken your
legs, when in fact you’d merely bruised em?!”
Jack sniggered
”HEY!.....it hurt…but yeah, go on”
”I used that ointment…the bright purple one..”
“Yeah and…smeg…”
“What?” asked Jack
“It had a side-effect, while I was asleep it created a clone of me..a
psychotic monster of a clone, looked exactly like me but was a ruthless killing
machine, Tara and I searched for weeks for him, but we never found him again,
we guessed he’d just…vanished”
“The ointment had a very short-life, it evaporated after just a
few hours so we figured, same thing happened to whatever it created.”
“So who’s she?” Jay asked pointing at the woman who
had taken the launch bay.
“Well…she’s you too”
“The ointment was a good way to create clones, but not very
efficient, I tried to clone myself but the clones of the clone were much like
the ointment, died after a few hours. For two years I tried to get some kind of
DNA sample from you but you were always to darned hard to catch!” he said
pointing at Jay
“It was then I stumbled across something in the ventilation system,
the scientist personality of Jack, locked inside a computer program, he wasn’t
too happy with being trapped there after Phoenix fire, the man is a genius and
told me about a scientist he’d heard about who left the solar system a
few years ago, a Professor Michael Longman” (Read last human)
“Hey, I’ve heard of him” said Tara “He was that
guy who was kicked out of the space corp. R&D department because of his
views on……cloning…”
“Exaclty, Jack took his theories of cloning, which created stable
clones, from MY dna, which, could also be modified…”
he nodded at the female Jay.
“She was our first experiment, but took months to create, Jack
combined that with the ointment’s speed and we were creating modified clones
of myself, dozens by the day!”
”Soon we cloned Jack” said the Jack clone, “But the Phoenix Fire meant we were
unable to modify the clones, but hey, we created a whole army of Jack
”You said the modified Jay’s clones” Tara asked “How?”
“See for yourself” a large blast door opened, revealing
rows upon rows off large glass tubes, the first 10 or so rows contained Jack’s
each identical, held in some kind of suspended animation, the rest of them
containing Jay’s but Jay;s with a difference.
“You see” the female Jay said, who it was revealed called herself
Jayne, “Longman was also working on combining human DNA with that of the
animal kingdom….”
Jay, Tara and Jack looked around, the Jay’s in the tubes were
human/ animal hybrids, there was one that was part man/ part scorpion, he had a
long black tail with a menacing looking stinger, and claws where his hands
should be, his flesh hard like a shell, the next few rows were mixed with a
kind of insect, Human torso, arms and head, but with two giant wings on his
back, and where his legs should be a yellow and black abdomen, attached to
which was a long stinger, he was part man part wasp. The next row there were
less of, but Jay recognised these. One it was one of these hybrids that had attacked
him before, part man part cat, human shaped, with a thin layer of fur over his
body, a long tail, his hair longer, scruffier, and in his mouth long, sharp fangs,
his fingers ended with retractable claws and a spotted pattern adorned his
flesh. Part man/ Part cheetah.
“SMEG!” said Jay “This isn’t the Blue Dwarf it’s
Noah’s Fu**ing ark!”
“He’s a good one” said Jayne “He can move at
speed’s you couldn’t imagine…”
“What are those?” Jay asked pointing at the back few rows.
“Those…” said Clone Jay “Are something special….but
they are for later, TAKE THEM BACK TO THEIR CELL!” he shouted to Jack.
Jack (the clone) prodded the three of them in the back with his rifle,
forcing them out of the room, Jay could have sworn he caught a glimpse of light
reflecting off metal in one of the back tubes.
“Its time to awaken the hybrids….” Clone Jay mused.
<Ok people this is the action, the army of animal Jay’s and
the Jack clones are gonna lay siege to the ship so FIGHT BACK!! And rememberm,
Message-----From: andy jones
[mailto:andyjones85@...] Sent: 20
February 2004 16:23To: JMC_Blue_Dwarf@yahoogroups.comSubject: [JMC_Blue_Dwarf] Check,
your turn
"continue to the next
stage" came Jay's voice to Jack, he smiled, and made his way over to the security offices.  He
looked at his watch.It said Friday, thats all he needed."on my way to the next phase" he said
before walking in through the door.  No one was in."Lock the door" he said to *holly*"k, its ours" came the reply, Jack then
removed a metal bar from the table and forced it through the unlocking mechanism."we're sorted" he informed his comrade.Jack then jumped up to the ventilation system, and
cut the entrance away with his sword as he crawled through, blocking all
access to the security offices.  He deactivated the alarm system
with a well targetted throwing knife into the computers."all alarms down now?" he asked *holly*"yep, no one will know what hit them"
*holly* replied, as Jack crawled out into a random coridor.  As he dropped down,
he removed a disk from his shirt pocket, it was labelled 'Landing bay'He made his way there, oddly enough, no one knew
what was going on, he laughed to himself, a strong, low, evil
laugh.  He inserted the disc into the auto pilot system, a face appeared on the
console near him.  Jack nodded to it.All the ships on every landing bay/launch bay
owned by the JMC started up, all that was left were the custom made ships, the
ones that only their owners knew how to operate properly, all others
flew into space and cut engines, floating around the huge hulk that was
the Dwarf.  All engines powered down, leaving the several mile long lump
of steel to be just that... an inert piece of metal, unable to change its
direction in the force-less vacuum that is space.<go man go!!>P|-|34R D4 1337|\|355, |\|0 R3411Y P|-|34R 17!!_________________________________________________________________Express yourself with cool new emoticons http://www.msn.co.uk/specials/myemo...Protecting
the universe from the scum of the Earth...www.BlueDwarf.co.uk-View the Blue Dwarf guide to the galaxy!Your number
one resource in all things Blue Dwarf related!

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