How much longer?

A small scream came from the corner of the room, there was Aurora huddled in the corner. She breathed a sigh of relief as Dante began to walk over to her. The drive room door almost flew across the room as the clones attempted to smash their way through. Dante looked worried. “Charlie approximately how many clones are out side that door?”“227, approximately.” *BANG* “228.”Dante put a finger in his ear. “CALLING ALL BLUE DWARF CREW. THE ENEMY ARE HUGE IN NUMBERS SUGGEST WE ALL COORDINATE OUR EFFORTS. IF YOU WOULD ALL LIKE TO GET TO THE PROMANDE ASAP. I WOULD BE GREATFUL, AND NO THAT IS NOT OPTIONAL. DANTE OUT.”Dante grabbed Aurora and lept back down the shaft, landing back in the rubbish.
</end clip>
Aurora wrinkled her nose in disgust as they landed in amongst all the rubbish. Dante grabbed her and held her to his chest, rubbing her back gently.
"Jeez... That certainly wasn't fun" she commented shakily. Dante looked down at her.
"I can imagine," he replied. Charlie buzzed around Dante's head.
"Dante's got a girlfriend, Dante's got a girlfriend..." Charlie sang in a sort of sing-song voice, which was extremely annoying though it held an air of jealousy. Aurora blushed at Charlie's comment and giggled. Dante just looked confused. He looked down at her expectantly.
"What?" Aurora asked, nuzzling his neck.
"Uhh.. Okay... Shouldn't we go see if the others are coming? They sure are taking ages.."

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