Ready 2 rumble

Kochhanski had completed work on the grenades and was heading back to regroup with the others, he had no idea that the formula had been changed. A he reached the promanade he ran into Dante and Aurora...
"where the hell have you been? shouted Dante.
"Finding us some decent weapons" Callum produced the grenades, and began to explain how he had made them, this was for the sole perpose of impressing Aurora and it had seemed to work. As they talked Kochanski produced 2 gas masks.
"what are these for Callum?" asked Aurora, she was proberbly the only person on board that used his first name.
"Well, im imune but we really dont need you guys getting infected" he replied.
"and the rest of the crew?"
"the vent system is on max, unless its been modified by the clones only people in close proximity should be afected (or at least he hoped)...

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