
"If the crew haven't been able to by now what makes you think WE
will?" Jack said "Theres only three of us!"
"Because WE know something they don't" said Tara
<end snip>
"and whats that?" jack asked quizically.
"what created the clones?" tara prompted
"uhh, i'd guess at ointment, thats the main cause of anything here"
jack guessed
"GOOD!!" tara patted Jack on the head, having his intelligence taken
away by Phoenix Fire meant he was more susceptible to praise about
his intelligence, he blushed.
"keto then?" Jay tagged in
"ok...where is he though?" tara looked at jay, then jack.
"i'll find him" said jack confidently, and contacted The gun™
"wheres keto?" he asked.
a few seconds later, jack turned back to Jay and Tara
"i'll be back, don't get lost, or killed, go to the medibay, it
should be closed off from the outside, but vents wil still work,
we'll need his ointment" said jack in a matter of fact way, before he
darted off into the vents.
Minutes later, he could hear gunfire, and the sound of keto's
battlecries, he slowed down, trying not to surprise him.
"eat that son of a--" he was cut off as Jack pulled him into the
vent, and closed the hatch, keeping the wasps at bay, luckily these
were access tubes as well as just vents, so there were lights.
Keto raised his gun to Jack as he saw who it was that pulled him in.
"no, its me, i'm real, as in not a clone, we need your help to stop
them" he said, holding the gun away from himself.
"how do i know that?" he asked
"well, don't you think you'd be dead by now if i was one of the
clones? i wouldn't waste time saying 'hi' would i?"
"uhh... true" admitted keto, before being whisked away towards the
"what do you need me for?" asked keto as they approached the medibay
"ointment, we think thats how to stop them" answered jack in as plain
a voice as he could manage, this is terminator style.
"ok, you go further on to the medibay, jay and tara are waiting for
you, the REAL jay" Jack jumped out of the vents into his own
quarters, keto carried on to the medibay, which, incidentally was
only 6 vents down.
Inside the room, Jack noticed immediately that some of his Ultra
Morph was missing, he grabbed some of what was left, and stuck it
into the patch on his Int armour full suit. He also placed a battery
into his sword, before jumping out into the clone infested coridor,
hacking and slashing his way through plain old Jay clones, from the
first wave that had somehow managed to stay around. They were no
match for his strength and speed.
He opened the Medibay door, and was congronted by a RoboJay clone,
Jay and tara were in the corner, their lack of weapons wasn't a good
"leave them" jack said, raising his sword to head height, and turning
it to max power, the edge changed from a dull red, to a really deep
blood red, and the blade began to vibrate.
"yeeeaaargh!!" Jack shouted as he charged, the robo jay may be hard,
but its reflexes weren'y good enough, the blade tore through its
armour plating, cutting it clean in half.
"just in time eh?" Jack said as Jay and tara stood up
"i wasn't afraid" Jay said, hoping Jack would believe him.
"ahhh" came the sound of a falling Keto, he landed on Jack.
"oww" said Jack by reflex, even though Keto was more hurt from
landing on him.
Jack helped him up.
"ok, we need ointment, the one that counters the original ointment
that created the clone" Jay explained. Keto looked shocked
"the one that you used when Jay was hurt last year... you do remember
that?" Tara prompted.
after a few seconds of Keto's blank look, Jack locked the door.
"yes... uhh... i think its in here somewhere" keto began to look
through his supply cupboards, all the places where his ointments were
<tag, keep the battle posts coming, good job so far guys!!>

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