Men in Blue

Footsteps could be heard. MANY footsteps, ones sounding exactly like what youd hear if 12ft halfmetal, halfhuman hybrids were about to run around he corner..----
They rounded the corner and the posse were greated by a terrible sight of the affomentioned creatures..only this time it sounded like many of them.
"how the bloody hell did they get here so quick" asked Amber
"Dunnon...but i got a nasty fealing about this.."
Mcjohn was exmaining something he had picked up...until a noise made the trio look round.
Yet another group was there, dripping with pure nastyness.
"bugger" said mcjhon, keats and Amber at the same time.
It was then that the clones exploded.
"well that was unexpected..." said Keat, picking bits of clone off his body.
"Not when you got a dirty great big Phil Febuggure Special in your hands it isnt..."
"Sorry...that souded rude didnt it..."
"DAD" cried Amber and ran forward to give her dad a hug...Huged MP...then gave Phil another hug.
"You know this....oshityourHISdaughter..bugger"
"Dad where the hell you been?" smiled amber finially letting go of her father
" would someon mind telling me WTF is going on here?"
OOC:sorry for butting in chaps but it's my daughter your dealng with there :-)
OOC2 : Yes folks...heeee's back...and it's a thursday as well ;-p

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