1 Choco-chew <ERNK> please

Dean was in the Raven's midsection. He had just put the chipmunk in a storage cupboard (in case any more clones came along, you can never be too careful) and was about to consider repairing that loose circuit on the toastie machine when he decided to have choco-chew bar from the vending machine.
The Raven, being the immense ship that it was, had a vending machine aboard in its cavernous mid-section. It was rigged up to the navigation department's budget, it was essentially a vending machine tab. The amount you spent was deducted from your wages at the end of the week. Last week Dean had the grand total of -4 dollarpounds for his wage. Today being Friday, Dean was not only expecting payment, he was also rather hungry, having laid off the choco-chew bars in order to avoid the embarassment of a negative wage packet. Still, 1 wouldn't hurt.
"1 Choco-chew bar please"
Perhaps this noise requires a little more explanation. Imagine, if you will, a tractor being asked to move the Empire State Building whilst it was occupied with a colony of severely overweight hippos. Then multiply it by 10. The noise the tractor made would be similar to the <ERNK> made by the Choco-chew bar dispenser.
"Umm.. what?"
"You have no credit."
"Doesn't usually stop me" pointed out Dean, quite fairly.
"Not you. Your department."
"Oh COME ON! I've not crashed for months! It can't be out of money! HOLLY!" Dean yelled for the senile balding Londoner. He popped up on one of the screens in the Raven.
"Yes Dean?"
"Display the budget of the department please."
"Why?" asked Holly.
"Because I asked you to?" said Dean. After a pause.
"Alright then."
The figures 0.00 flashed on the screen.
"....wow." said Dean, after a suitably long pause. He pulled out his comlink. "Jay?"
"We may have a problem..."

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