Bits of Paper, a light switch and a cunning plan...

“But..surely letting ships on means they pay us boarding tax we can let em land and never take off til we make profit again!?”
“You really want Cerebrum getting more than he’s already getting?!”
“Good point….”
Keats suddenly turned his head away from Amber
“Sorry…what?!” he asked
"Never mind Keats." said Dean, "Jay... what are we going to do?"
"Come through here." Jay gestured into his office, they went in and shut the door.
"Right, I take it we're here to think up a cunning plan, otherwise I'm going to have to tell Alota..."
"Dean!" said Jay, "That's horrible man!" He balked at the thought. "Anyway, we're here for a plan yes."
Silence fell upon the room.
"Well, what is it?"
"Well, that's the problem, we haven't got one."
"Now that's a problem."
"I know, that's why I said 'that's the problem'"
"Ah! Now that's clever." said Dean, "Well, what are the options?"
"I dunno" said Jay
"Well, either we steal it..."
"It's electronic, hard to do."
"...or... well, actually, that's me out of ideas." admitted Dean. "Oooh! We could concoct a cunning plan that means we blackmail him into giving it back to us."
"I like it!" said Jay, "Family?"
"Head... sorry, that became a game of word association." said Dean.
Jay buried his head in his hands, they weren't getting anywhere. Then the light suddenly shone brightly.
"DEAN! Turn it off!"
"Hang on, light."
"Yes Jay, it's a desk-light. You turn it on, you turn it off. You can actually, if you're bored, make little shapes out of paper and put them in front of the light thus making shadows..."
"Dean. Cerebrum is a hologram right?"
"Yes. He is.
"Well, let's do the modern version of your bits of paper idea. We go to the Hologram Simulation Suite, and, well, have some fun!"
"I like it....just one question."
"Sure, what Deano?"
"We got time to grab a toastie?"
"What a stupid question!" said Jay, exasperated. "Of course we do."
Dean "A cunning plan modelled on bits of paper" Thomas

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