Rocky holo show

(Ben, we don’t have your light bee, just the remote
Who:- Jay, Dean
Where:- Jay’s quarters.
When:- A few days after Phil’s dinner
Jay had to admit it, he was fuming.
He didn’t know why but he felt that Rufus’
announcement that was he was joining Psychiatry was a betrayal, he’d
always felt Rufus to be a down to earth, honest, selfless person. Rufus was his
best friend’s son, and yet he decided to work for the enemy.
Jay felt so strongly about this that he was beginning to
think of Rufus as a traitor. He should have been fighting for the allied
forces, liberating 1940’s Europe. Instead he was
working for the Nazi’s. But never mind, he thought, Cerebrum was the Blue
Dwarf’s Hitler, and he was going to be crushed.
“Holly” Jay asked “Is there a way you can
set Cerebrum’s holo-program up so that he doesn’t pick up on changes
to his physical form?!”
“Yeah..” Holly said “I can adjust his
sensory applications, so he won’t notice a thing”
“Perfect..” said Jay “Do it”
Dean sniggered, and typed in a command into the laptop they
had hooked up to the holo-remote.
Somewhere else on the ship Cerebrum walked along the endless
corridors, blissfully unawares that he was now wearing a peephole bra,
suspenders and crotchless panties.

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