Ode to Hans Moravec

He span in mid air, avoiding a rocket, and landed on top of one, his
sword was througth it and the other robot before anyone could have
said 'booya'. Jack landed neatly next to the wrecks as he re-
sheathed his sword, after turning it off of course. The two headed
for the front door.
<end clip>
"This is a particle research facility, why the hell are there frikken
metal freaks!"
Jack was smiling and occasionally 'whooping'. He hadnt used his sword
in a while, and the blood/oil had started to dry off on it recently.
"Right, stop, wait, heres a sign...."
Keats wasnt stupid, although people often thought he was. He was a
self proclaimed technophile, and this was like an art lover coming
home and finding a lost Picasso.
"Ok... where the hell would i put the input output for this place"
He looked out of a skylight, the whole sky was filleed with a grey
version of the Aurora. It was as disturbing as it was beautiful. It
was the self contained universe of the Dirac sea, a universe that
existed seperatly yet inside there own, like the centre of a
malteaser, Seperate yet inclusive.
"Keats... uhhh, wed better get moving..."
"I havent finished reading the sign yet!"
More robots were coming, these looked odd, they stood about a meter
"Woah... this is odd..."
Keats was looking at a door the robots came through. Above it was a
brass plate, its inscription read "To the loving memory of Hans
"MORAVEC! this is... odd"
"Whos More-a-vec?"
"A Scientist, he practically invented robotics...."
A robot appeared with a shimmering field, it made it look blurred. It
tod only a meter high, as the rest, but it the others seemed to make
way for it. Keats and Jack didnt notice this, they ran, and luckily
to, as a moment later a red CPB flash eched past where they were and
anone with a powerful enough microscope would of seen the milllions
of particles from the worlds first, and only one of two, Meson
cannons. The entire wall was blasted into sub-atomic particles as
quarks ripped and reformed into matter, anti matter and photons.
There wasnt even debris. Although a small amount of the ceiling fell,
and vanished as it hit the shimmering field. What ever this was, it
would take more than a few sword stas to take out.

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