Lost in space

Who: Keats and 'Severn'
Where: Space....
When: <shrugs>
"Man, she flipped out Joe!"
"Sure can choose em cant you, hehe..."
"Whadd you know!"
"I do have access to all security monitors on board." He looked up
from his dog end for a second and continued
"Even those in the lifts." Keats balled his fist and punched the
screen between them.
"Im going back, gotta help her."
<end clip>
"Is that wise?" Severn chirped suddenly.
Hed been quiet for a while, probably busying himself in a dog-eard
rollie found behind his ear. Keats turned round.
'Yes, it bloody well is! now, set the Guns output to 80%, we need
some extra juice'
'Okay John'
Severn flipped a few switches, and removed one very vital plug.
***Back on the Dwarf***
Severn was enjoying this. He was testing a new invention which, if
worked, should allow The Gun to act more like a human, only thing
was, if Keats flipped, like a few of the others, then the Endymion
would be destroyed, and everything inside explosivly decompress. So
he sent one of the others... And, unknown to Keats, the whole affair
was being recorded over his nanos, brain pattern, fluxes, all of it,
***The Endymion***
'Engaging final safety catch... now!'
The Endymion made a worrying sound and instantly extended to a
mathamatically infinitely long and infinitly thin (were talking
trillionths of a quark here are like mount everest in comparisson)
and lurched forward before arriving in a area of space worryingly
unoccupied. The T.D.D. had malfunctioned. Now they were lost.
They were lost in space.....
OOC- il cont. later

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