Re: Sooooooo

(Good job. You did her well.)
Kara sat there trying to steer this strange new ship. "Damn, these things
are fucking weird!" She shouted. Alter-Smith gave her an odd look. "Do not
worry. We'll be back on Blue Dwarf in minutes." He said. "I wanna see the
real Smith just so I know he's not a lost cause like you." Kara said.
(Tag! It's late and I wanted to put in something!)
Fear Me For I Am A Writer...tap into my spooky power well.
>From: "jprimex2000" <jprime_starship_captain@...>
>Subject: [JMC_Blue_Dwarf] Its a dirty job.....
>Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2004 00:44:19 -0000
>The Starbug crashed into the mothership, embedding itself in the
>hole it had
>just created.
>Suddenly, a holographic hand punched out through the wreakage and the
>truimphant form of John Smith heaved himself out.
>Or rather, a person who looked exactly like John Smith heaved
>himself out.
><end snip>
>WHO: Smith and Kara
>WHERE:The Mothership
>WHEN: Now...
>The new alter-Smith headed down the hallway. Off in the distance he
>heard a voice.
>"Oy, you okay? What's the matter mate? If it's a talking penguin or
>something ignore it."
>It was a woman, probably from the second 'Bug.
>"Hello. The name's Smith. Alter-Smith."
>"Okay....Kara McGellan. Your a hologram too, right?"
>"Yup. Well actually, I'm a hallucination being experienced by a
>"Are you aware we're crashed on an enemy mothership about to shoot
>Blue Dwarf?"
>"Not if I can help it mate!"
>Kara rolled her eyes at this annoyingly calm demeanor.
>"Then I assum you know how to stop it then."
>"Why of course. Im a compilation of millions of subroutines designed
>for military and espionage-type applications."
>"Whats the plan then, secret agent boy?"
>"The major fault in this ship's design is that it can only fire when
>the whole thing is aimed directly at the Dwarf. This means that we
>still have-"
>Alter-Smith checked his holographic watch.
>"Five and a halt minutes to stop the ship."
>"Five and a half minutes!"
>"Five and a quarter minutes now."
>"How are we gonna stop the ship anyway?"
>"We'll use a tractor beam to cram one of the Starbugs into the main
>"Im all for blowing things up but if we're standing in the ship when
>it blows up won't we die as well? Well, die again..."
>"I'll think of something before that happens."
>Kara wasn't at all satisfied with that answer.
>"And how are we planning on gaining access to the tactor beam?"
>Alter-Smith wondered. There was only one way this could work.
>"Knock me out.Quickly."
>Kara didn't even protest. Anything to make that annoying 007 wannabe
>shut up.
>Several minutes later, Smith's eyes opened again.
>"Alter-Smith number 4432 reporting for duty ma'am. I am specially
>designed for heavy duty combat and explosives."
>"Man this is getting reeealy weird..."
>They arrived at the door of the Main Chamber.
>"You had better stay outside."
>"Are you nuts? If theres fighting to be done I want a part of it!"
>Alter-Smith threw open the door. Inside were several small
>Technician Hymenoptra as well as two massive Guards.
>The ensuing battle was shot and bloody. The unfortunate thing about
>fighting hard light holograms is that no matter how big you are,
>eventually your gonna lose.
>"Now what?"
>The alter sat down at the control panel.
>"I must now use the tractor beam to jam the gun-tube."
>Outside the ship, one of the ruined 'Bugs was ripped loose from the
>hull. Neatly, it slowly twisted into the massive gun-tube, now
>seconds away from being pointed at the JMC vessel Blue Dwarf.
>"Now we have only thirty seconds to escape!"
>"And how exactly should we do that? Both the Starbugs are destroyed!"
>"Lets grab a shuttle!"
>"Not a good idea. In case you have'nt noticed, the Blue Dwarf guys
>are kinda big on shooting them at the moment!"
>"If you signal them quickly enough, we should make it."
>Kara and alter-Smith hurried to the shuttlebay and hopped inside a
>Hymenoptra shuttle, shaped like a scorpion, jet black with a massive
>stinger on the top.
>"So how exactly do we fly this thing Smith?"
>Alter-Smith had run out of subroutines.
>"Smith what the smeg are you smegging trying to smegging accomplish
>be banging your smegging head on the smegging panel three smegging
>The shuttle lurched forward and smashed through the bay door into
>the empty void of space.
>"Attention Blue Dwarf. Attention Blue Dwarf. This is Kara McGellan
>and Alter-Smith. Do not shoot this Hymenoptra ship! I reapeat: do
>NOT shoot us!"
>Then, rather suddenly, the Mothership exploded.
>ooc: yaaaay! my first time ever writing with somebody else's char!
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