Getting Somewhere Slowly

Who: Everyone At The Scene
Where: The Scene
When: The Scene...uh...Time
> "Aha!" Said Seymour. "Now we might be getting somewhere. There was
> also broken glass left at the crime scene am I right? Maybe that
> was
> from an alcohol bottle also? And where did you find these alcohol
> bottles again?"
> "The medical supplies deck"
> Seymour gasped dramatically and pointed a finger at Keto. "Soooooo,
> doctor. Were you perhaps washing and sterilising your blood stained
> clothes in case we could detect any DNA after your kill?!"
Keto sighed.
"For heaven's sake, Nipples," he said, "If I'd been sterilising my
clothing with alcohol of that strength, you'd be able to smell it a
mile off, let alone detect it chemically. Face it, this ship is full
of alcoholics. Those bottles could have been left there by a merely
drunk crewmember."
"Aha!" repeated Seymour, still sounding triumphant (while inwardly
noting to have Keto demoted for use of his 'Nipples' nickname), "But
that's not true! The medical supply decks are for medical personnel
only, aren't they?"
"The inner parts, yes," agreed Keto, "But not the outer corridors.
After all, Mr McJohn here isn't a member of medical staff, and he was
the one to stumble across the bottles."
"But isn't it far more likely," pressed Seymour, "That the bottles
were left there by a medical employee such as yourself?"
There was a long pause.
"No, not really," shrugged Keto, "And besides, as I said, feel free
to test my clothes for traces of that alcohol if you like."
"I *still* think that you're responsible!" snapped Seymour, waving
a finger, "You're in the medical department, you had access to
surgical alcohol, you had access to the body, it all fits!"
"That could apply to anybody in the medibay!" snapped Keto
back, "And anybody who could get into the medibay!"
"And the alcohol?"
"That could apply to anybody who could get into PARROTT'S! Face
it, Nipples, it wasn't me!"
"Look, if you're really that bothered, we'll go down to the medical
supply decks and test for fingerprints on those bottles, how about
that?" sighed Keto again, "If it'll just make you shut up."
OOC: Tag people. :)

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