Re: [JMC_Blue_Dwarf] *ACTION* \"I\'ll F@#$ING KILL\'EM!\"

"Whats up Jay?!" Alota asked her husband"I didn't want to say in front of everyone else, but with engines down Ican't change course""I know that" Alota said "I meant for you to take shuttles to any planetsyou can find"" point is, were drifting into Hymenoptera space, and theres nothingI can do about it......."
<End snip>
"I know" Alota whispered, "Which is why we need to get our asses in gear, Jay I need you to colaberate with Zodar, we need to keep the Hymenoptera problem under wraps but we need to get some emergency thrusters in place to propell us the other way, I'm thinking something a little more powerful then Mini phil and his baked bean attacks"  She sat back down in the chair, and the other two joined her,
"How are we supposed to set up thrusters when you've just ordered everyone to do things?" Jay asked intrigued
"Jay Chrysler unless you want to continue your stay on the couch..." she paused "What's left of it, i'd shut up and just do as your told, pull a couple of people out and get them to work with Zodar, just inform him and get on with your job"
"Phil, try and assatain Mini phils baked bean farts, I wanna see hoe powerful they really are"
<<Sorry it's short but i need to post!>>

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