Re: Out Of Stasis

Who: Tara, Keto, Keto, Others
Where: Coridors, Medi-Bay
When: Some Time
---- Snippe ----
> "So you woke me up to give me my body back?" asked Xavier
> incredulously, "Well, that's a surprise."
> "Only because Charles is currently a psychotic and dangerous
> madman," said Tara, "Whereas at least you're harmless."
> "Flattered, I'm sure," growled Xavier, heading towards the
> elevator, "Okay, let's get to the medibay. What's happened while
> I've been...gone?"
---- Ende Snippe ----
Tara walked next to the robotic form of Xavier Keto as he wheeled
down the corridors towards the Medi-Bay. She pondered for a few
moments how to explain all that had happened in the last month to the
good (this is debatable in moral circles) doctor.
"We jumped right into the middle of Bug space thanks to our dearest
Royal Ambasador and surprisingly enough they all attacked us. The
pilots fought them off and during the clean up after the attack..."
Tara paused for a moment, debating whether to tell Keto the news or
not. "Jasmine's body was found. She had been murdered." Tara went on
to explain the events surounding the death of Jasmine and how Keto's
brother wanted to blow up everything. "Then some space pirates
attacked us and well, trashed everything. Including the Medi-Bay. I
knew there was something wrong when you, your brother didn't make a
fuss after the Bugs had destroyed the Medi-Bay first time, and your
ointments." The little robot stopped dead in it's tracks.
"MY Medi-Bay? My ointments?!" He said in disbelief.
"Actually, until this matter with your brother is resolved i'm head
of the department." Tara cringed and waited for the tirade.
<Tag mon ami!>
> OOC: Tag Tara! And yes, I'm back now, by the way. ;)
YAY! :hug:

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