RE: [JMC_Blue_Dwarf] Re: Oh Bugger!

OOC:- no worries, but cheers, we have plans for Seymour MUHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAHA!!

-----Original Message-----From: chrisofsmeg [mailto:chrisjpharris@...]Sent: 22 June 2004 18:39To: JMC_Blue_Dwarf@yahoogroups.comSubject: [JMC_Blue_Dwarf] Re: Oh Bugger!OOC-oh, i'm really sorry, you must have wrote this when i was writing mine, lets just say that your idea with seymour and efof was ok, and don't pay any attention about my bit with seymour and efof, just call them, random NPC's--- In, "Andy Longman" <sirlagerlot@n...> wrote:> OOC:-   Thanks Andy! thats perfect!!!> > Who:- Jay, Phil, Cerebrum, Mini-Phil, Seymour, random ship grunts> Where:- Starbug 4> > > Seymour looked around the interiro of the Starbug, it was packed with a> group of generic 'redshirts' from the Engineering, Security, Science and> Medical departments, along with Phil, Cerebrum, Mini-Phil. and a hanful of> civilians. Jay was at the helm.> "Lets get out of here!!" Phil shouted "Were fully loaded!!"> "Wheres Alota?! I'm not leaving til I see her!!"> "Shes on the Raven waiting for the smaller shuttles to launch! As captain> she's better off on the more armoured ship, the longer you wait around the> longer it'll take HER to go!" Cerebrum said, being strangley helpful. Of> course the only reason for this was that he wanted to save his own> holographic hide.> "I SAY!" said Seymour "Surely I should be aboard the Raven too? Along with> the captain and the VIP's!"> "Well you're here!!" so sit down and SHUT UP!"> "Among those RIFF-RAFF!?!"> "EEEE!"> "Let me off! I'll join the Raven and let a more fitting person join this> ship! Perhaprs that young chap who drive the Vauxhall Nova.."> "WHO?!"> "You know he wears that Burberry cap and the turned up polo-shirt collars,> wants to buy a Ford Cosworth?!"> "No.." said Jay> "you dont know hi..?"> "Yeah I know him but I mean NO you're not getting off!"> "WELL I NEVER! Whyever not?!"> "Because we've already taken sit down and hold tight...its gonna> be a bumpy ride!"> The Starbug thundered out of the shuttle, Jay was shouting orders into the> comm. "All shuttles SCATTER!, give the hym' more than one thing to worry> about, we'll meet up later when were safe, and DONT HANG AROUND HERE TOO> LONG!!!"> He said this Just as the Raven, which was the only shuttle to leave after> Jay, came close to rear-ending Jay's starbug.> "GOD DAMN YOU DEAN!!!" Jay yelled> "Sorry, woah heads up heavy fire coming in!"> Sure enough, a large attack force of Hymenoptera shuttles was heading> towards the scattered shuttles at high speed.> "I expected this..." said Jay "No heroics! DONT STAY AND FIGHT!" he ordered> his fleet, "Just defend yourself and make a path through DONT FIRE FOR> ANYTHING ELSE!!!"> He watched as three starbugs were torn to shreds by a Hymenoptera shuttle's> weaponry.> "Smeg....."> To his right, a Blue Midget, took a shot to the engine housing, and another,> and another, each one knocking the ship off course slighty, Jay let loose> with a missile, which cleared the Hymenoptera vessel off the tail of the> smaller craft.> "Thanks!" came Efof's voice over the radio.> "Efof, you're flying with the amount of blood loss you suffered?!"> "Yeah..I'm a little light headed but ok!"> "Dude you had your nadgers hacked off..."> "It's ok! it's in my pocket...."> Jay shook his head, and then suddenly banked the craft sideways, as a missle> screamed past him, fired from a 'Bug ship ahead, that he'd seen just at the> right time. What he didn't see however was the missle fired from behind.> It tore through starbugs engine housing, and sent the craft spinning out of> control, towards a planet that had recently come into range.> "S#IT!" he shouted to the crew in the back of the ship, as he struggled to> regain control. "That missle took out manouvering thrusters, the starboard> engine AND the attitude controls, BRACE FOR IMPACT!!!!!"> > Alota, peering through the window of the Raven watched, as the shuttle> piloted by her husband veered into the atmosphere of the planet. It glowed> red hot as it began to burn up, spinning wildly out of control.> "Alota..." said Dean softly "You know they couldn't survive> that......right?"> "Just get us out of here Dean..."> > > > > < tag people...get out of the ship, make it tricky, tricky's good reading!> no-one come to Jay's Planet! You need to get out of here! >> > > > >   -----Original Message----->   From: Andy [mailto:andyjones85@h...]>   Sent: 22 June 2004 17:40>   To:>   Subject: [JMC_Blue_Dwarf] Re: Oh Bugger!> > >   ooc: just a storyline sorter here :D> >   Just as Jack and Seymour moved towards a shuttle, a random guy>   appeared near the door, and just as Jack stepped in, he held his arm>   out in front of seymour.> >   "what do you think you're doing! I'm a royal Ambassador! step aside!">   raved Seymour at the random NPC.  The NPC just stood there, then>   spoke.>   "sorry sir, this shuttle is now full, I do believe shuttle 5 has a>   space."> >   "thankyou, now, where is shuttle 5?" Said Seymour, turning around>   looking for any big luminous numbers.  He saw none, he did however>   see the Big Pink Tree climbing into a shuttle nearby... he didn't>   want to get sap on his Jacket, so he headed the other way... And>   straight into a Shuttle that closed behind him with the sound of an>   NPC shouting "SHUTTLE FULL, OFF YOU GO!">   Inside, seymour looked around... Inside were his favourite people...>   Phil, Jay & Co.  What a line up...> >   <tag, better?>> > > >   ...Protecting the universe from the scum of the Earth...> >>   -View the Blue Dwarf guide to the galaxy!Your number one resource in all> things Blue Dwarf related!> > >         Yahoo! Groups Sponsor>               ADVERTISEMENT> > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------------------------------> -->   Yahoo! Groups Links> >     a.. To visit your group on the web, go to:>> >     b.. To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:>> >     c.. Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service....Protecting the universe from the scum of the the Blue Dwarf guide to the galaxy!Your number one resource in all things Blue Dwarf related!

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