
Who: Keto-Bot, Tara
Where: Elevator from Medical Supply Deck
When: During the evacuation
> "Actually, until this matter with your brother is
> resolved i'm head
> of the department." Tara cringed and waited for the tirade.
Keto's predicted outburst began with a burst of static from the
robot's speakers as he tried to form coherent words. Fortunately for
Tara, any coherent words were interrupted by the sound of hundreds of
sirens all over the ship suddenly going off.
"What the smeg is that!?" blinked Tara. Keto was silent for a
second, then replied, "We're abandoning ship - the hymenoptera are
attacking and we're pretty much defenceless apart from Mini-Phil's
posterior and Dean's flying."
"How do you know that?"
"I'm a robot. We're in a spaceship controlled by a large, albeit
senile, AI. You do the math."
"Good to see being in that thing hasn't spoiled your sense of
sarcasm," muttered Tara as she tapped in the code for the elevator to
go straight to the landing bays, "What about the rest of the medibay?"
"They'll take care of themselves," said Keto, "And presumably save
that body of mine too, hopefully."
The elevator rocketed on towards the location of the shuttles.
-- Meanwhile --
Wildflower and the rest of the medibay staff, Tree included,
skidded as the ship was rocked by another blast, sending the
stretcher they were wheeling along careening off to one side and
making the restrained form of Charles Keto smack its head against the
"Shut up," sighed Wildflower, for what felt like the hundredth time
that day. They hurried along the corridors, pushing the stretcher,
making their way towards the departing shuttles.
OOC: Tag anyone. :)

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