i feel it in my fingers, i feel it in my toes, love is all around u

OOC-here is a jp from you're favourite pair of cousins in the world
Chris and Smith were both sitting attentively at Kara's side, as she
woke up on the bunk in the ops deck of the starbug.
"so, have you made your decision yet"said Smith eagerly
"what the hell..."Kara replied in a drowsy voice
"Which one of us do you really want"enquired Chris
At this point, Aurora realised that Kara needed some help.
"Give her a break boys, she's just recovered from a
concussion"Aurora said, "if you really want to make yourself useful,
go down to the cargo hold, and find us something to eat.
"Ok, i'll go"said Chris, anything to make Kara happy he thought.
So Chris disappeared to the cargo hold, just as CK emerged into the
ops room, from the mid-section of the starbug.
"I switched to minimum power to conserve energy, now all we have to
do, is sit here and wait for 2 days"said CK
"But with the stabalizers off, we may experience some space
There was then a loud rumble as the ship started to wobble from side
to side(bit like when you're drunk really).
"I see what you mean"said Kara
"I'll go and see what's taking Chris so long.............." said CK,
as he began walking down the stairs to the cargo hold.........
Chris was looking through some storage crates when another batch of
space turbulence hit. He payed it no mind, and continued to look
through the storage crates, but he was then distracted from what he
was doing, whaen out of the corner of his eye, he spotted something
rolling out from behind a storage crate, and accross the floor. He
picked up the glass vial, which was filled with a pink liquid. He
was studying it when Kochanski entered the room.
"Hurry up mate, i'm starving"
"CK, whats this"Chris asked, holding up the glass vial.
"Ha, i didn't think that there was any of this stuff left"said CK
chuckling to himself. "we gotta destroy the smeggin' thing"
"What, Why", Kochanski tried to grab the vial from Chris, but didn't
suceed, as Chris moved aside.
"Why, what is it"
"It's a love virus you smeghead, you don't know the kind of damage
these things can do". It was then that the space turbulence hit
again, and Chris dropped the vial with the love virus in it. Callum
made a gigantic leap of faith to stop it from smashing, but he
missed completely, and instead, rugby tackled Chris, and they both
flew accross the cargo hold, Callum turned around to watch in
horror, as the glass vial smashed on the floor, and watched the love
virus disappear into the air.
"How can the same smeg happen to the same guy twice"said CK, as he
recovered from the initial shock, of what had just happened.
OOC- 7 people in a shuttle, all infected with the love virus...Good
luck guys.

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