Shakin\' the bushes

Who: Alota, Jay Dean, McJohn, Amber, Elian Sandoval, Victoria de
"so, they're gonna hunt us?" Alota said, as they started walking
away, "we'd better get back towards the Raven" She added, changing
the direction of the group.
"But what do we do when we're there?" Jack asked, feeling the lack
of sword in his sheath.
"We'll think of that when the time comes" She finished, and they
continued to move away.
<end snip>
As Jack, Alota and Dean ran through the undergrowth towards what they
hoped was the direction of their landing site, Jack heard something
moving in behind them. He stopped running and crouched behind a large
rock. Alota realized he had stopped and whipped around towards him.
"What the smeg are you doing?" she demanded.
"Something's behind us--"
"Guess who, dummy! It's the smeggin' GELFs!" she nearly
shouted. "Come on!" Then she dove for cover as the bushes parted to
reveal Mark McJohn, Amber, Victoria de Felice and Elian Sandoval.
Jack, clutching a heavy fallen branch like a club, nearly clobbered
McJohn before recognizing him.
"What the smeg?!" McJohn sputtered, "That's a fine welcome!"
Dean finally spoke "We thought you were the GELFs."
McJohn looked, as usual, slightly confused. "What GELFs?"
"What d'you mean? Weren't you captured with us?" Dean asked.
"No," Amber replied. "We got seperated right after we met up with you
after the landing."
"Been wandering around this jungle or whatever it is for hours. So
what about these GELFs?"
"Explanations later. C'mon!" Jack said as they started rushing away
back towards where they'd landed.
In fifteen minutes or so of travel, McJohn and the others were up to
speed of what had happened.
"Muy muy mal," was Elian's comment on the situation.
After another few minutes of quick marching and sprinting through the
jungle, and without a word of explanation, McJohn suddenly ducked off
the rough track they were temporarily following into some nearby
bushes. Jack cursed as the others stopped to wait for him. After a
minute or so, Dean called into the shaking bushes.
"Can't you do that later?" he said, assuming (wrongly) McJohn was
answering nature's call.
A few seconds later, McJohn emerged carrying a large heavy rucksack.
"So that's where you left it," said Victoria, to the bafflement of
Alota, Dean and Jack.
"Found what?" asked Alota testily. "We've got to keep moving. They--"
She trailed off as McJohn pulled a pair of Tommy Guns from the sack.
"The rest's ammo and a couple other things. I set it down for a
second up there," he said pointing to a nearby small sloping
hill. "It musta rolled down from up there or something. Probably come
in useful."
He tossed Jack one of the submachine guns and kept the other for
himself. Then he looked at Alota.
"Captain, you said they gave you a three hour headstart on them. What
time was that?"
"2:57" said Dean, "I checked it on my watch, but they took it away
from me right before they sent us out."
McJohn checked his own watch, then made a sour face. He cursed.
"What is it?" Amber asked concernedly.
"My smegging watch stopped, that's what," he said with unnecessary
distaste. "Does anyone else have one?"

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