Niples "Wedding invitations!"

Who: Seymour, Jay, Phil, Cerebrum, MP
Where: Setlik II (according to Kara's map), at the magistrates
dining table
When: The magistrates banquet
"Seymour listen!" whispered Phil "We need you to do this so we can
get off this rock and take back the dwarf!"
"But why me?!"
"Put it this way" Jay said "Phil and I cant do it, were both already
married!" he shuddered at the thought of Alota finding out he'd
married a
'woman-monkey-thing. "You wouldn't us to CHEAT would you? Thats far
improper for someone like you!"
"And as for me" said Cerebrum "I'm dead! And that CANT be legal..."
"Beside's" said Phil "She likes you!"
"HE SAY'S YES!" The three men shouted together, leaving Seymour
what exactly had just happened...
<end snip>
Seymour went deadly pale, he looked over at his now-fiancé, she
smiled sweetly at him, or as sweetly as a 6 foot hairy beast with
hairy breasts and a gorilla face can be.
Olga came over and sat next to him. Seymour kept his eyes firmly
ahead, mainly in shock.
She whispered softly in his ear, "My room tonight…" and touched his
face which made Seymour cringe. He fearfully said nothing as she
walked back to her seat.
"Erm… gentleman… I think I'm going to retire for the evening."
Seymour got up and walked away from the table. Glancing at Olga who
looked disappointed. "Ma'am." He said quickly and nodded a goodbye.
A hairy butler showed him to a room the Blue Dwarf group had been
given for the night, where Seymour shoved many things up against the
door until the others came as well.
"Soooo" Jay nudged the Ambassador to tease him, "When's the stag
party? We passed a good strip-joint on the way here… although it
might have been a zoo!"
"Oh I'm so glad that I amuse you!" Seymour shot back. "Surely there
is another way, because I am NOT marrying that gi- thing! I'm
supposed to marry a nice woman with respectable lineage and social
status… not a genetically modified monkey from some backwater corner
of the galaxy!"
"Oh come on Seymour all we have to do is have the ceremony then
bugger off, easy. You don't have to see her ever again."
Meanwhile, Phil was messing about with a piece of gadgetry. He set
it up like a telescope in the centre of the room.
"What is that?" Asked Cerebrum.
"It's the comms beacon from the ship, I thought we might be able to
hail any Space-Corps ships in the area."
"Any luck so far?"
"Nah I think we're out of range."
"Of course we're out of range, we're thousands of light years from
anywhere in dangerous Hymenoptera territory, we're DOOMED!" Seymour
"Let me have a try." Jay took a small microphone into his
hand. "This is Navigation Officer Jay Chrysler from the JMC Blue
Dwarf to anyone in range… we would like to invite you to the wedding
of Seymour Niples!"
"Oh very funny!" Said Seymour, folding his arms as everyone fell
about laughing. "Anyway, do you think you should be using that, it
might give our position away to the Hymenoptera!"
"What are they going to do? Bring a card saying `congratulations on
your wedding'?" Phil mocked.
"We'll have to make sure they know its black tie, and to wear
suits!" Jay added.
"Okay that's enough!" Seymour said, storming out of the room. Then
the voice "oh Seymooour…" could be heard and he came running back in
with his back to the door.
"Actually I think I will stay here tonight!"
<tag to the weding party! Shall we have a stag do?!>

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