Efof "Swamp"

Efof Yuwan'Kar
The Gelf Planet with most of the crew on
Efof looked sadly at the Space Eagle.
He had crashed on the planet a few days ago in the Space Eagle, and
landed in a swamp. The SpaceEagle now miserably sat at a funny angle
in the swamp.
"Hmm, it reminds me of that factual documentary set in the galaxy
far far away!" Efof said to nobody in particular.
After looking around for a few seconds and thinking, Efof went back
to doing what he had been doing for the last few days. Sat on a tree
stump contemplating…nothing. He couldn't actually think of anything
to contemplate, so didn't.
Even though he had many things to contemplate. Like how to get out
of the swamp, how to join the rest of the crew, and what that sound
was in the bushes.
After a considerable amount of time where Efof's Ffionian brain
(which didn't seem to be working well in the damp conditions)
connected the sound of heavy gelf footsteps to the prospect of
danger. When it did however, he jumped up in a start and started to
climb the nearest tree like a frightened cat. His extra 2 arms
making him look almost spiderish.
A hairy gelf dressed in military uniform shouted up to him.
"Hello up there? Its okay I won't harm you!"
Efof looked around and found a fruit to throw down at him.
The hairy gelf ducked.
"I'm not going to hurt you, don't make me come up there!"
"NEVER! Get away from me, hairy beast! On my planet we had a hairy
class of people like you and we beat them into submission, har har!
We forcibly waxed them and turned them into slave labour!"
"Erm…" Said the Gelf, as he had no comeback to that.
Efof suddenly changed tune. "Actually that's a lie, we're actually a
peaceful race, I was just trying to sound hard!"
"Erm… okay well I was just going to invite you to a wedding anyway"
said the gelf. "I've been told to round up the crew of the Brown
Dwarf… or something. Apparently this uptight ponsy human scum is
having a wedding."
Efof slid down the tree.
"That's the Blue Dwarf, and the uptight ponsy human scum is Seymour
and he's my friend!" Efof said matter of factly. "Well actually he
treats me like a servant of some kind… and gives me no respect… and
doesn't really like me at all… actually he's a dickhead!"
The gelf squinted slightly as he looked at what was actually on
Efof's forehead, and quickly looked away.
"So Seymour's getting married?" Efof bit his lip. "Oh, I think I may
have been telling people that he's... whats the human word…. a poof!"
The Gelf lifted a hairy eyebrow. "Anyway the wedding convoy will
arrive in a few hours, come back to our camp, the rest of your crew
are waiting."
"Hang on…" Efof's brain for a change was working ahead of
time. "What if this is a trap?"
"We have barbeque chicken"
Efof thought for a second. "Frell, any trap is worth that chance!"
He said excitedly and pranced to the camp as a Gelf ship hovering
above craned the Space Eagle out of the swamp.
<sorry if its rubbish, i;m tired and watching this very bizarre film
about some trailer trash going on Jerry Springer! I will try and
post the action kicking off the wedding very soon!>

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