That's my leg, that's my ship, that's no moon

"Who the feck flying's like some pissed midget who cant....reach...the.....oh no......" said Dean, watching the DeathStar wobble around in front of the sun.
"Phil." said Jay, "please tell me that you haven't left a drunken short-arse in charge of that piece of machinery, capable of destroying very, very big things?"
"Good use of the technical term." said Dean,
"Thanks." said Jay, "Well Phil?"
"I.. um.. might have done."
"Then, might I suggest you go up there, join him in orbit and relinquish him of his command?" said Jay, amicably.
"Good idea sir." said Dean.
"What are you?" asked Jay, "some whining sycophant?"
"No. Just a man anxious to get Mini-Phil out of the commander's chair of that space station."
"Phil, are you still here?"
"No?" tried Phil
"I wouldn't recommend it. Go on, get a pilot to take you up to the Deathstar. In fact, wait. DEAN! You'll do."
"What?" asked Dean, betraying the fact that he had become somewhat distracted by a small claw-y thing on this leg.
"Take Phil up to the deathstar."
"Wilco. On 2 conditions?"
"What are those Dean?" asked Jay, as the three of them walked towards the Raven.
"Firstly you tell me what you've done to my ship, and secondly you get this thing off my leg!" Dean's voice raised in pitch as the claw-y thing crawled further up.
"IN FACT!" he screamed, practically falsetto. "DO THEM IN THE OTHER ORDER! FIRST GET THIS THING OFF MY LEG!!!!"
Dean "OFF MY LEG!" Thomas
<OOC: Wow, it's all talk and no action. And very short. What a crap post. Anyhow, TAG!>

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