Into the Action!

The long, white and red ship started to accelerate effortlesly.
Somehow, the High-Mobile Battleship, the 'Nadesico' was on an
intercept vector with the JMC Mining ship 'Blue Dwarf'.
And Keats couldnt be happier.
<end clip>
Who: Keats and Severn, and anyone else who cares to be onboard
Where: Space, for now
When: During the assault
Keats smiled thinly.
'Engaging Free-Jump sequence, Chulip-Crystals releasing'
Several Canisters were ejected from the side of the ship, at a
distance of about 50 meters, they exploded, sending small blue
crystals flying out and around the ship.
'Bozan readings rising... visualising target..'
He closed his eyes. He pictured the Blue-Dwarf, his home... Home...
thats somewhere i havent been for a while....
A small screen popped up in the air infront of Keats, Severn was red
with rage.
'Dont worry, youve got nanos, those combined with the Distortion
field will save you'
'I told you before, Tenkawa, not this Keats you have a fascination
with. Anyway, were Jumping back home, to the Blue-Dwarf'
He closed his eyes again, and thought about the Blue-Dwarf, his home.
Better than his old home back in Neo-Stroud. Oh Shi...
The High-Mobile Battleship seemed to split into three copies, one
made of light, one normal, one made of Darkness, then, it dissapeared.
'YES! We made it.. were here'
He lowerd the shielding around the helm. It didnt seem like space, oh
sure, it was dark, gloomy and incredibly inhospitable, but Neo-Stroud
was not Space.
'Bastards! They must of got the Blue Dwarf to Earth when we wernt
The screen had remained infront of Keats face, At the mnoment, Severn
was whimpering.
'Get up! There attacking Earth with The Blue-Dwarf, possibly in an
ingenious tactic to turn the United Earth Federation against us!'
Severn stood up, brushed himself off, looked on a display and swore.
Outside, the fact that a 298 meter long space battleship had just
appeared out of no-where in the middle of a worn down industrial
estate and was currently embedded in an old building, the back end
tilted towards the sky, the nose in the rubble that was thye building
drew very little attention. Mainly because the occupants of this city
were to busy trying to steal padestrians wallets, breaking signs, or
being whacked out on Freaky-Fungus to care. A tourist stopped,
rumaged in her bag, took a picture of the ship, and then attempted to
put the camera back in her bag, only to find her bag, shoes, purse
and clothing had been stolen whilst she was distracted.
'You know, they might just be tad irrate when they realise weve
destroyed a large amount of their city...' Severn said as the tail
end realised that it was no longer n space, the PT engines were not
active and it was therefore subject to the laws of gravity.
In the middle of the city which was barred from the 'Scummiest City
on Earth' for being on performance enhancing drugs, the Nadesico sat
comfortably in the middle of about 1 million dollar-pounds of damage,
whats worse was that it would take 20 minutes to charge up enough
engine power to reach an acceptable escape velocity.
'Activate Distortion Fields and charge the engines, were going to
have hell hell when they realise how much this things worth...'

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