Boldly going where no smeg head has gone before

CK sat in a pile of computer components in the Enterprise engine room, he had almost finnished jurry-rigging the drive systems. It had been just typical that the main power systems would fail when the others were attacking the BD. He was almost finnished the repairs when the door slid open and commander data entered.
"Ah, Data can you pass me that wrench please?"
"Welcome to the U.S.S Enterprise the flag ship of the Federation." responded the android,
but as CK looked closer he realised it was actually a very badly made wax droid. After he finnished the repairs CK sat into the the captains chair, now he was ready to get back into the fight.
"Warp 9, Engage!" Callum smiled in glee, he had always wanted to say that.
"Sorry captain that exedes speed limits"
"shut up" said CK as he activated manual controls. There was masive jerk as they passed the light barrier, but then crashed directly into Blue Dwarf.
"Oh shit!" he said as he headed to the airlock
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