Spare Parts? Well, not exactly

"Thirdly....theres a beer cooler in the cargo hold full of lager! HELP YOURSELVES!!!"
He spun back around and heard a loud crash, causing him to spin around again..."Ok...who broke something......"
Dean staggered out of the cupboard aboard the Phoenix. "Woah." said Dean.
"Woah." said Jay. Then Jay and Dean looked bemusedly at each other for a few moments. When neither could think of anything else to do they continued to look bemusedly around for a few more moments.
"Yeah." said Dean, finally.
"Looks like you're coming with us then." Jay commented.
"Seems that way." agreed Dean. "Well, you know, moral support and everything."
"Why were you in the cupboard?"
Jay let it pass, knowing he'd rue doing such a thing. Little did he know quite how soon he would rue his decision.
Silence fell upon the two. Then it picked itself up, rubbed the graze on its knee and wandered off.
"So, what we doing?" asked Dean as Jay strapped himself into the cockpit.
"Going after the pirates."
"Smeggin' gits." said Dean, "you know what they did? They destroyed my toastie machine. That's actually why I was here. I was seeing if you had any spare parts I needed to build a new one."
"And did I?" asked Jay, not really listening as he piloted the craft. He'd rue that decision too.
"Not exactly." said Dean, "still, no loss. I've got what I need from places. Just need some time to build it."
Jay sighed at Dean's obsession with toasties and applied the brakes to slow the craft down slightly. Only nothing happened. Nada. Zip.
Jay didn't panic, but hit the brakes again. Whilst simultaneously running through anything that could alert him to the cause of the problem. As he requested the brakes once more his mind flagged the conversation he'd just had.
"...any spare parts.... and did I? Not exactly..."
"Spare parts... not exactly...."
Jay knew why his brakes weren't working now.
Dean "Not Exactly" Thomas

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