
Who: CK, Chris Harris, EfofWhere: Engine decksWhen: nowish...
CK fiddeled with some wires, of course as flight engineer he had been assigned to reconect the wormhole drive and Chris and Efof had volenteered to help. They werent actually helping him though, Chris was just complaining about death and CK had no idea what efof was doing.
Right he said getting up from under the drive "i've tide in main power and all primary control circiuts". he said, very pleased with himself.
"thats great" replied Chris "why you telling us?"
"because I was under the mistaken impression that you were helping me." Chris just ignored him, "well, now all i have to do is link the drive up to the primary navigational computer system and were on our way home."
"How do we do that" asked efof.
"USB cable of course". The others watched as Callum plugged it in and pressed in a destination. Then he remembered something which made a big difference to whether or not he'd get through that day alive " efof, did you set the the targeting sensors to teleport the hole ship in one go?"...
But it was to late and the three amigos were teleported to another part of the ship... Alotas quarters.
"shit, we got 2 get out of here..." said chris as Alota walked out of the shower... She stared at them in horror.
"Chris suluted, CK waved, efof's hat elastic was cataluted across the room by the boner he had just got as he looked at her naked body...
"YOU PERVERTS," she screamed, "Security!!!"
OOC- 1 of my longest post 2 date.................................................................................

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