Roboscientist Pt 2

Who: Keto, Rufus, Trisees
Where: Supply Field B
"This place is phenomenal!" exclaimed Rufus, pointing to a tall mound
of ancient playboy issues stack precariously alongside parts of a
Quantum Axionic Flux accelerator. "It actually does have everything!"
He picked up a playboy dated June 2087 and had a look at the articles.
Keto nodded in agreement as Trisees explained; "I couldn't let
anything happen to it - there was just so many objects. So using a
few ideas of my own I invented the quantum storage confinement shield.
Basically, gives the impression that there is nothing there and
shifts the solid state of the matter being stored into a state of
nothing. Its a derivative of the stasis field."
Trisees tried to stretch a little and used his battered hand to shift
the position of one of his legs.
"This is field B as well, lord only knows what fields A, C and D had
been carrying; but they had to be equally impressive."
"And you set up home here?" asked Rufus, discarding the playboy and
scooping up a long thing green prism in an outstretched hand.
Trisees nodded. "It was here where I also split myself in two and
returned the ship its chief surgeon. My workshop and home is part of
that left side wall over there. It too has a useful stealth mode.
I'm a secretive man, and quite frankly there are too many things that
could go wrong or get stolen due to some unlikely magnetic unfortunate
mishap aura the ship seems to generate."
"What's our course of action?" asked Keto.
"I rebuild my limbs, and you attach them," stated Trisees.
"How long will it take to rebuild a pair of legs and an arm?" asked Rufus.
"About a day," replied Trisees.
"A day?" asked Rufus amazed.
"Well I am missing motor functions in my legs and arm, otherwise it'd
be much shorter."
"No, I meant a day was far faster than I had supposed!"
Trisees smiled.
"I have much to teach you Rufus."

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