RE: [JMC_Blue_Dwarf] Crossing ground that man was not meant to tread... again....

"Before you were posted here, you were aboard another ship, were you
not.. and you died there.. so.. may i ask HOW you died?"
<end snip>
"I never wanted to tell this to anyone, but now, seeing as I may very well
soon live once more, what have i got to lose, if i'm right, then my past and
my death should no longer haunt me"
said Chris, more to himself that anything.
"Well go on, get it out"
"I was murdered John, yes, you heard me right, I was murdered"
"By whom?"
"My ex girlfriends lover, it was an accident on my part, we were all blind
drunk, but that was the last i remember of it, as i lay there, my blood
glistening in the brightly lit corridors of the White Dwarf"
"When were you brought back as a hologram?"
"Almost instantly, i was head of navigation, and they were so far away from
a station, they had to bring me back that quickly"
For the next 10-15 minutes, they were sitting in silence.
"Enough about my death now, can we get back to the point please Keats"
<tag TONY!>
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