Ochre Crew

Who: Trisees, Ted Cleavage, Charlene Keto
Where: Ochre Dwarf's Brig
Trisees stomped about in his cell moodily. He'd not been in the best
frame of mind for a while. He needed to see the captain badly; so far
neither he nor his two crewmembers had been allowed to. They'd met
everyone else back when they were all on speaking terms with them; but
the captain had been busy every time. He knew Cleavage would see him.
When they'd met, Cleavage had been pretty friendly with him;
completely the opposite of his reality.
Now he was waiting for his chance to see the second in command and to
tell him of the plan he had uncovered involving Dr Coffey. Wether or
not the commander would believe him was a totally different matter,
but he knew the man would at least be prepared to hear him out. And
that mattered. If he could somehow get some kind of shred of doubt
into the commanders mind it might give him the leeway he needed to
overthrow the mad scientist.
He waited patiently in his cell, pacing up and down the room
worriedly. He still needed to find his other crewmembers - lord knows
what Coffey was doing to them.
His train of thought was interrupted by the appearance on Theodore
Cleavage, wearing his smartly uniform pressed uniform and a dashing
smile. He was a tall man, with a thick mane of blond hair only
covered slightly by a thick brimmed Sapce Corps hat.
"Trisees, old fellow," he said, arriving at the cell. "What can I do
for you?" he looked at Keto who returned to her desk.
"Look, Cleavage, you've got to listen to me about this, its vital for
the safety of your crew."
Cleavage raised an eyrbrow. "Are you forgetting why you're in here?
You stole a shuttle after all my hospitality; you gave no reason or
anything. We had to take actions against you."
"Where did you put my colleagues?" he asked,
"Dr. Coffey has them," he replied.
Trisees' jaw dropped.
"Dr. Coffey is the bad guy! He's the reason we stole a shuttle!"
Trisees pleaded.
"Back up a second, what's Coffey done?" asked Cleavage. His smile was
waning and he felt as though he'd missed half of a conversation
"Coffey is not the kind benevolent scientist you all believe him to
be. My crew members and I, we discovered some disturbing news."
"If it was so disturbing, why didn't you try to tell us?" asked
Cleavage. folding his arms and looking angry.
"We thought the rest of you were in on it," Trisees tried to reply.
He stopped and reached up to his head. The room had started spinning
a little. He wasn't sure if it was the situation getting him worked
up or if Coffey had poisoned him somehow.
"Ted, I don't feel good," he said, dropping to his knees.
Cleavage looked worriedly at him and shouted over to Keto. "Charlene,
get the cuffs and take him to the medibay, I think something's wrong."
Trisees fell to the ground, coughing and passed out.
Lawrence Trisees slowly opened his eyes to a familiar looking white
ceiling. He was in the medibay, and handcuffed to a bed. He sighed
and looked over to the one source of movement in the room.
It was a tall looking lady, with full pouting lips and a rather large
chest almost spilling from her white medical jacket. She had long
dark reddy brown hair and a pair of thin wire framed glasses.
"Ah, you're awake Mr Trisees," she said gently.
"Yes," he said groggily. "Who are you?"
"Chief Medical Officer Dr. Julie Chrysler at your service."
<to be continued>

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