Oh what a way to start the day

Mark McJohn opened his eyes about half a millimeter. The light burned
his eyes, and made his terrible, pounding headache even worse.
It was, he reflected, a perfectly typical Tuesday morning.
"Dim lights."
The lights did as instructed. Small comfort, since the exertion of
speaking those two words had magnified the throbbing in his head.
Oh well, time to get on with it, McJohn thought. He sat upright and
promptly smashed his head into the upper bunk. Surprisingly, this new
additional pain took his mind off what seemed to be the galaxy's all-
time most utterly horrible throbbing headache of doom.
It wasn't a hangover. McJohn could deal with hangovers easily. It was
being docked at Luna Station. The place just gave him a tremendous
headache. He wasn't even sure why Luna Station did this to him. It
just did.
McJohn clambered out of the bottom bunk in his quarters and stared at
his reflection in the mirror. Seeing what he looked like at that
moment didn't help anything.
Now where, he thought to himself, where were the painkillers?
* * * * *
Ten minutes later, not feeling much better about anything, McJohn
shambled down one of the main corridors on Deck 18. Almost everyone
else had left the ship already, and McJohn had decided to follow
their example.
As he turned a corner he nearly collided with Jon Ryan, who was
coming the other way. Still suffering from the stepmother of all
headaches, McJohn squinted at the unfamiliar figure in front of him.
"Who the smeg are you?" McJohn said after a moment's thought.
"Jon Ryan," said Ryan, "Former LAPD."
"Los Angeles?" asked McJohn.
"That's right."
"Awful city."
"Excuse me."
"It's a smegging dump full of concrete and psychopaths," McJohn said
bluntly. "I should know. My ex-girlfriend was from there. Chicago's
much nicer."
"Look," Ryan started.
"You didn't happen to meet a Nancy Kirshman, did you?"
"Nancy Elisabeth Kirshman?"
"Never heard of her."
"Lucky you."
McJohn wandered off, leaving Ryan quite bewildered as to what had
just happened.
Mark McJohn, meanwhile, continued on a trajectory which vaguely led
towards the main disembarkation point. A few minutes after confusing
Jon Ryan, he passed a woman who looked exactly like the Captain.
McJohn thought that Alota had already left the ship, but he saluted
the woman just in case he was wrong.
* * * * *
An hour or so later, McJohn finally stepped off the Dwarf. He took a
few steps forward before being nearly run over by a very large woman
stuffed into a disability turbo-scooter.

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