New crewmember

Everyone say hello to our newest member Imdaewen Radella , a
civillian photographer!
Character Name: Imdaewen Radella
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Nationality: English
Department: civilian
Job Title: photographer, get in the way and be a general annoyance
Player/NPC? active
Physical Appearance
Short and slim, with light brown hair, grey eyes and wears glasses.
Personality and Interests
Imdaewen enjoys being around the people she loves and cares about
but can usually push them away as easy as make them. Being a
photographer she always has her trusty camera to snap anything,
either for her own collection or for sending ot to the local papers.
She knows alot about nothing and nothing about everything. Enjoys
the excitement of danger but is completely crap at fighting, the
term cannon fodder springs to mind. She can be an annoyance most if
not all of the time but is loved by many. Even though she can be
somewhat girly in appearance and nature she seems to feel more at
ease with the guys than the girls.
Has started her job as a journalist photographer in recent months,
it was a late move in her career path as she wanted to go somewhere
in science... but just did not have the knowledge for it,
photography had everything she wanted to, creativity and science.
Shes moved away from her beloved elderly parents and lost contact
with her sister.
Favourite Sayings
"Ninja Cows! Trying. to. kill. me!" "Spawn of Satan? Me... no.
never...." "Squee!" "Squiffle?!"

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