No titile today...aprt from that...and that....and that........

"So if you get lost, just ask Holly." He paused for a moment."Actually better not, you would be better wandering around till youfind a floating space ameoba."
-end snip -
"OH and one other thing..." He looked about from side to side..
"As your may need to read this.." and handed over a small leaflet
Imdae looke at the leaflet Mcjohn handed her ...There was a simple title reading "Beware the Midget..."
She looked up to see Mcjohn had gone.
Looking down she looked into the happy face of the ship's resident clone of the chief of secuity...Mini Phil
MP, having been remprimanded by Phil on many occasions had used his brain and wrote down(well he got Dean to do it) some cue cards...He handed one over now
"Hello...My Name is Phillip...Everyone calls me Mini-Phil..Iam the offical ship greater, but due to a freak accedent in my cloning process i cannot speak properly. AS Such i would like the pleasure of showing you about this ship and helpuing you to settle in."
MP smiled and made sure the one about the lime jelly was hid in his other pocket....
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