Starting a new job. (long post)

who: Eric Lustbader
where: his quarters
when: 7 am
Eric was woken up and startled by Holly's alarm and leapt off his
"Off!" he shouted when he realised what woke him up. "Holly, what
time is it?"
"Seven Ay Em, on the dot."
"But I didn't set the alarm."
"I know, Eric, but the Captain did."
"What for, Holly?"
"Because you have to start the job you signed up for."
Eric remembered hurriedly filling out a form and signing it just
before he drove his car onto the Dwarf's shuttle at Ganymede
"Oh." Eric said. "And what job did I sign for?"
"Ha!" Holly laughed as he brought the job details up on the
screen. "You're the new Armoury Officer! Oh boy, this will be fun to
"What do you mean?" Eric asked Holly as he shaved.
"Well, that means you are in charge of all the weapons, armour and
other related equipment. You need to know what equipment we have in
stock, who was what, and if we run low on an item, you have to place
an order form with the Captain, for him or her to approve. And on
this ship, the captain is a her. She is Captain Alota Chrysler, and
you have a meeting with her at Eight Ay Em on the dot."
Eric finished getting dressed in his P.I. suit and cool P.I. hat (he
has only 5 sets of clothing, all the same.) and walked out to the
corridor and ordered a small breakfast from a machine.
"Eric Lustbader," the machine spoke, "your starting balance is two
thousand dollars, and fifteen dollars has been subtracted for this
meal. Have a good day."
'Two Thousand!!' Eric thought, and went quickly back to his room,
eating on the way. He checked his cash, which he had put in a safe
place, and noticed that he had given two thousand to the Blue Dwarf
recruiting officer at the Ganymede Spaceport.
"Hah, the silly bugger put it on my account!" Eric laughed to
himself, as he had hurriedly given the man the cash as a bribe to
let him off Ganymede.
Eric finished his breakfast and cleaned his teeth and then headed
out of his room.
"Holly, which way to the Captain's office?"
Holly brought a map onto the screen, and fortunately it wasn't too
hard to memorise.
"Thanks Hol."
"Anytime Eric."
Eric knocked on the door to the Captain's office and heard a shout
of 'Enter'.
"Good luck Eric." Said Holly as Eric opened the door and walked in.
When Eric closed the door, Holly laughed out loud. "The poor bugger
doesn't stand a chance!" Holly said to himself. "No one's kept track
of anything for the last two years!"
* * * * * *
Who: Alota and Eric
Where: Captain's Office.
"Good morning Mr Lustbader." Alot said.
"Er, Good Morining Sir. Miss."
"Last night, Eric, I had Holly tell me something. He said that we
have had a new crewmember on the ship for the last month, and due to
myself being very busy, I had missed the memo. Last night, I found
the memo. It took me an hour and a half to find, mind you,
considering there has been many trees worth of memos placed on my
desk lately."
Alota was confidentally pacing about her office. "Take a seat,
please, Mr Lustbader." Alota pointed to a chair.
"Thanks." Eric replied.
"Now, Holly told me that this new crewmember had signed up for the
position of Armoury Officer." Alota's expression changed to one of
grim determination. "Now you've done this, Mr Lustbader, I expect
you to do your job well, or I'll leave you at the next rotten
stinkpile we visit!" Alota started to smile, sweetly. "Have I made
myself clear, Mr Lustbader?"
"Yes Captain." Eric replied, feeling a little uncomfortable. "Is
there any paperwork for the equipment at all? Has a stocktake been
done lately?"
Alota softened a bit. "Unfortunately, no. I suggest you speak to
the Head of Security, Mr Phil FeBuggure, about that matter. However,
he is on a mission at the moment."
"A couple more things, Captain, do I have an office? Also, I would
like to know where the equioment is stored."
"Holly?" Alota spoke softly to the monitor in her office.
Holly appeared, still sniggering, until a dirty look from Alota made
him stop. Then Holly brought up a map of the area where the office
and armoury were located - conveniently right next to each other.
* * * * * * *
Who: Eric Lustbader
Where: the Armoury.
"This is the untidiest office I have ever seen outside of a
postoffice!" Eric said to Holly.
** OOC: Read 'Going Postal' by Terry Pratchett. **
"I told you this position has been vacant for a few years, and
you're the first person to nominate for the position, so it's
yours." Holly said. "Well, it's beenm nice knowing you, kid, but as
the ship's computer, I've got a bunch of other stuff to do." Holly's
monitor went blank.
Eric moved the gun parts that were scattered on his new desk and
carried the to a corner of the office. While he was doing so, he
noticed that he was holding enough parts to make four or five fully
functional weapons, so he started to put them together in the corner
of his office.
Under a pile of paper and miscellaneous rubbish, he found an
upturned gun rack, which he picked up and tried to clean. This, he
found, was impossible to complete, as the muck had stained the
wood. However, once he had cleaned off the dust, he found it didn't
look too bad.
He set the guns he had assembled onto the rack and continued the
cleaning up of his office. By the end of the day, he had set aside
nine useful documents that were still legible had and disposed of
the rest. Also, he had taken a quick look into that armoury starage
space and almost fainted when he saw what a mess that was in - as
far as he could see, only three weapons were in their proper places
and the other fifty or so were all over the floor, along with parts
for another fifty.
With that, Eric closed the office and went to bed, but ran into a
bunch of relieved crewmembers who had just returned from a dangerous
mission and were on their way to Parrott's. Eric thought he could
do with a drink and followed along, talking to a couple of the
heroes on his way.

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