Miranda takes a wrong turn

Who: Miranda, some other crew members
Where: Parrots, docking bay
When: Just Before takeoff
Miranda cleaned up the last of the bottle shards and emptied them
into the bin. The head waitress came over.
"Miranda, you look tired. Take half an hour, go get something to eat."
Miranda straighted up, startled. "Öh... are you sure?"
"Yep, go for it,"the woman said. "The place is pretty quiet. I think
everyone preparing to head off on another mission."
"Öh." Miranda looked around at the almost-empty bar and
sighed. "Well, alright. Just half an hour then. I could use a bath."
She took off her waitress' cap, smiled gratefully at the head
waitress and left the bar. Walking down the corrdiors to her
quarters, she realized the place was in chaos. People were running
around looking worried. She tried to stop someone to ask what was
going on but they ignored her.
Suddenly someone important-looking collided with her. He had a
security officer's badge and uniform, and was carrying a gun.
"You,"he said. "Why aren't you in the docking bay, they're getting
ready for takeoff!"
Miranda just stared at him. "Ï, uh..."
"Haven't you been issued with a weapon yet?" The man snapped. "Well,
never mind. They'll probably have spares on board. Just get down
there now and tell them you're with the landing party."
"But I'm not... I'm just a..."
"Are you arguing with a superior officer?!" The man shouted. "Didn't
you hear me? Get down to the docking bay, NOW! On the double!" He
turned away and began interrogating another man, who had an arnmful
of guns and looked nervous.
Miranda hovered in the corridor. She thought about sneaking off
unnoticed but the officer kept shooting glances at her. In fact he
stopped just about anyone within range and pointed them towards the
docking bay.
Reluctantly, Miranda made her way to the service lifts.
Who: Miranda, Python, everyone else going to the planet
Where: docking bay, Starbug 4
When: Just Before takeoff
Miranda stumbled out of the lift and glanced around the docking bay.
She had only been here on a few occasions and the place was
unfamiliar, but in the center of the room, preparing for takeoff, was
Starbug. People were milling around it. She walked over to a guy with
a bunch of weapons.
"Ëxcuse me, I um... this officer told me to come here, and..."
"Öh good, you'll be with them lot" he said, nodding towards the 'bug.
Then he looked her up and down more closely. "You don't look very
handy with a gun. Nurse or somethin', are ya?"
She shook her head. "No, I'm not, I'm a..."
"Never mind, just take this and get on." He shoved a large, heavy
bazookoid into her hands.
"You don't understand, I'm not meant to be here!" She said, but the
man had turned away and was talking with somebody else.
Somebody leaned out of the 'bug's airlock. Miranda thought he looked
faintly familiar but couldn't remember his name.
"Everyone on board!" He shouted.
A group of men pushed past Miranda and climbed into the airlock, and
she was pushed along with them. She wrestled her way out of the group
only to watch as the airlock hissed closed behind her.
Her heart fluttered in her chest. The gun was very heavy and she
thought she would drop it after too long. Her head swam.
{I'm in SOO much smegging trouble now!) She thought desperately.
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