Re: Miranda takes a wrong turn

A group of men pushed past Miranda and climbed into the airlock, and
she was pushed along with them. She wrestled her way out of the group
only to watch as the airlock hissed closed behind her.
Her heart fluttered in her chest. The gun was very heavy and she
thought she would drop it after too long. Her head swam.
{I'm in SOO much smegging trouble now!) She thought desperately.
<end snip>
Who: Python, Miranda, everyone else going to planet
Where: Starbug 4
When: Before takeoff
Miranda was completley worried. It was then when she
heard, "Miranda!"
Miranda, startled by her name being called, looked around to and
noticed Python waving at her.
"Hi, Miranda." Python said.
"Hi...Snake!" Miranda said.
"It's Python!" Python said.
"Anyway, what are you doing here? Did you apply for a new job?"
Python asked.
Miranda was relieved that Python was saying it in such a friendly
mannor. But, she was worried about having to admit it to
Python, "No...actually, I...I..."
"What's wrong?" Python asked.
Miranda was about to speak, but it was then when the loud sound of
the roaring engine interupted her. The Starbug took off and left the
Blue Dwarf. It was now in space.
Miranda, hesistating to speak, suddenly asked, "Well, what are you on
the ship for? Aren't you in the Engineering Department?"
"Oh, it is safety regualtions that a certain amount of engineering
crew travel on dangerous missions, in case any machinery or anything
was to break." Python answered.
"Oh, interesting." Miranda said, still worried. She then
realised that she had to say something.
"Look, Python, you can't utter a single word of any of this to
anyone!" She said to him, very quietly. "But, I was on my way back
to my headquarters after my shift, and a man thought I was travelling
on this mission and gave me this gun. He then sent me to the docking
bay. That was when I tried to get away, but I ended up being shoved
into this ship by the crowd of people coming on. I didn't have a
"Oh! That's a real bummer!" Python said. "Make sure no one finds
you out! The Commanding Crew aren't prepared to listen to excuses.
Believe me!"
"Are you sure about that?" Miranda asked.
"Yeah! They gave me and a few other people a real telling off after
unauthorised uses of Blue Dwarf vehicles." Python answered.
( reassuring!) Miranda thought.
"I can't wait until this day ends! I'll tell you that!" Miranda told
"Don't worry! I'll try and back you up!" Python said.
"But what would I have to do on this mission, to cover up?" Miranda
"Oh, just blast at a few zombies with that gun!" Python answered.
The Starbug was heading for the Planet.
"Looks like we are almost there!" Python said.

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