Zombies are coming closer!

"Damn! Damn smegging damn!" CK exclaimed. "Now we have to rely on
Dean "smegging can't fly a ship, but do" Thomas! And hopefully Jay
has something up his sleeve with the Pheonix, cos he's not with us!"
"Why do they always leave us in the dark?" mused Johnny as Eric
drove the car to the other side of the bug to attack the zombies who
had tried to flank them.
Who: Python, CK, Johnny, Eric & Niples
Where: Planet Of The Dead, Starbug
When: Eric has gone to to the other side of the Starbug to kill the
Zombies started to approach them. Python started shooting at them.
"Good, Python! Just continue doing that, until we find something to
do!" CK said.
"And how long will that take?" Python asked.
"Oh, it will only take a few hours to decide! I hope!" CK said,
"Would it be a good idea to get in the Starbug?" Niples asked.
"Fine! They're probably going to tear us apart, anyway!" Johnny
The 4 of them climbed into the Starbug. Python stood in the doorway
of the Starbug, blasting at the zombies.
"Shall we get Eric?" CK asked.
"I guess so!" Johnny said.
"But don't forget to check if he's still alive or not!" Niples
joked. He then started laughing, before he realised no one else was
laughing and that it was a stupid joke. "Sorry!"
CK went upto a Starbug window. He saw Eric out there, shooting at
zombies. The zombies were coming closer and closer to Eric. CK
banged on the window. Eric turned around and saw CK.
"COME ON!" CK called through the window.
Eric drove the car around to the other side of the Starbug, and
managed to run over a few zombies. Eric climbed in.
"Hey! How about we blow up this whole planet?" Python said, without
"And how do you suggest we do that?" Niples asked.
"I say we radio Blue Dwarf and if they come in, we call for help!"
Johnny said.
"We could try it!" Python said.
Johnny went upto the radio and started speaking into it. "Blue
Dwarf, come in! Do you read me?"
Zombies were rapidly approaching the Blue Dwarf. Python started
shooting at them.
"I think I need a better gun!" Python said.
"Here!" Eric said, handing Python a gun. "Try this one!"
Python used the gun to shoot the zombies. It worked twice as fast.
It shot 3 times as more bullets at a time. It helped keep more of
the zombies away, but it wasn't going to last for long.
"Are you getting any answer yet?" Python asked. "I don't know if
this gun will last for that long!"
"I'm trying!" Johnny said, still trying to get a response from Blue
"We read you, Starbug. What is the problem?" the radio replied.

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