Where is Rufus?

Who: Rufus, Trisees
Where: Some dingy room off the side of a Cargo Bay
When: No clock...
Rufus leaned against the wall, Trisees was still unconscious. Keto
had said not to move him incase his condition worsened. As it was he
was only just stable and was liable to crash at any time, Rufus
waited by the equiptment just incase.
Rufus got up and checked the glucose drips and life support
equiptment keeping Trisees alive for the third time that hour and sat
back down against the wall. There was a thud and a swoosh as the door
slid open and a deadie came in.
"What the smeg?!" He exclaimed as a rather dead looking Dr William
Shakspeare walked into the room. His flesh was rather worse for wear
and the fact his lower arm was missing clued the boy scientist into
the fact that this was not the real Dr. The second thing that alerted
him to this fact whas the fact Shakspeare then wrapped his remaining
hand around Rufus neck and started to strangle him. His foot impacted
with a squelch and the Zombie stumbled backwards out of the door. As
the door slid closed, Rufus saw a few dozen more dead people
stumbling across the cargo bay.
"Hey... not today you dead freak" he said and keyed in a door lock
code. "Wake up soon Lawrence, I don't think this'll hold them off for
long." He readied one of the wepons in the small room that he had
been carrying earlier and sat down facing the door.
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