What do you mean, Evil Jay?

Johnny entered the hangar bay, after hearing his name being called.
He entered the hanger bay, seeing his beloved craft, the Demon
Destroyer, next to a shuttle, which Rio was entering and started to
fly out the hangar doors. The shuttle disappeared as it passed
through the closed doors like a ghost. Johnny ran to his craft, only
to see it also disappear.
Johnny screamed, and anyone in the area would have heard him swear
vengeance on Jay.
Johnny ran out of the hangar, his fists in a cross between the
classic boxing and karate styles, walking with a determined look on
his face.
He finally found Jay, and he tapped a couple of buttons on his
cybernetically enhanced limbs, setting them onto full power.
Johnny lifted his right fist, swinging it at the back of Jay's head.
Jay ducked it at the last moment, turning and bringing his katana
around to counter-attack.
Johnny heard someone call out "Johnny's taking on Evil Jay!"
"What do you mean, Evil Jay?" Johnny replied, dodging the blade and
aiming a kick at Jay's knee.
Jay moved slightly, taking a glancing blow to the side of his leg.
<tag Evil Jay or anyone else>

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