Never Touch Strange Devices.... But if u do RUN AWAY !!!

<Who> Donnie Jones, Other Crew Members
<When> Now
<Where> Random Blue Dwarf Corridors
After a week of sleeping,Locked in a time warp that didnt effect the
last 7 days outside his quarters, It was time to get use to the
surrounding and intresting smells of the ship, As he headed down D
deck he noticed a werid looking device on the floor marked ''hyd-
6d''. Don picked up the device and it started to rumble and shake,
Donnie ran as fst as he could down the corridors bumping into
thousands of crew members until reaching a <a style='text-
decoration: none; border-bottom: 3px double;' href="waste%20disposal%
20unit" onmouseover="window.status='waste disposal unit'; return
true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;">waste disposal
unit</a>. He
threw the device into the unit and flushed it away just in time to
hear '' Ka-BoOooOoOoOMMMMMM!!!! '' The ship shaked side to side
calming down quickly. In an attempt to avoid arrest Donnie ran to his
quarters as fast as he could
( Open for anyone to continue )

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