smegheads to the rescue

Who: CK, Chris, Jack, MelissaWhere: Air ventsWhen: Just after the slut Kara post
CK and the others crawled through the dirty air vents originaly the plan was to head towards the drive room but whoever came up with plan had forgot that nobody actually knew which direction the drive room was in.
"God, weve been crawling around these ducts for hours" Milissa complained. "Where the hell are we?" The others looked around each other trying to decide which of them knew the awnser to her question. "Oh this is brilliant, were lost."
"Wait a mo" said Chris who was sitting by a grill which droped down to a habbitation deck. "I think I can here voices." The others moved around the grill to pear through.
"Who the hell is that?" asked Jack. The group was seeing a woman with strawberry blond hair, stiletos, and a very short skirt pointing a gun at someone below her. "Looks like.... Kara!?!"
"Kara!?!" Everyone looked a closer only to see one Kara pointing a gun at another at... another Kara.
"We've got to help her" said Chris as he prepared to draw his gunblade.
"which one?" Asked Kochanski who was still wearing a wedding gown.
"Well eh, the one who dosen't look like a 10 quid prostitute". And, so the group kicked open the grill and jumped down to face slut Kara, armed only with Chris' gunblade and the fact that CK wasent wearing any underwear....

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