water, pirates, shuttles, and trams...but a scorned woman? Ouch

Dante, Seymour, Efof, Amber, Jenny and CK exited the flooded flight deck,
Jay stayed behind to seal the flood. This time vision may only be temporary,
but it was still a threat to the ship
<End Lemony Snippet>
Jay battled the water to reach for the hangar bay door controls. If he could
seal them, he could then drain the reamining water out of the bay using the
ship's contaminent disposal vents. Ok so it wasn't decide to take water, but
there really was no other choice. The water was getting deeper by the
second, and Jay was concerned that unlike the other visions of the past,
this was tangible. He was actually getting wet, actually getting swept
around all over the place by the tides of the Eniram ocean. He reached his
hand out to grab the large lever that would manually seal the hangar doors,
inches away from it he opened his hand to wrap his fingers around the
Seconds before he was able to accomlish this task the Hangar bay was hit by
a 12 foot roaring wave. ONe second Jay was battered against the hangar wall,
the next he was being swept out again toward the hangar doors.
The open hangar doors.
The open hangar doors that led to open space.
The open hangar doors that led to open space that would Jay the minute he
entered it.
Jay began to panic, he could see the hangar doors getting closer and closer,
and he hadnt managed to pull the switch. He fought the waves, swimming away
from the gaping hatch. Or as he was referring to it in his head, the gaping
hole of OBLIVION!!!!
He couldnt fight it, the surging torrent was too strong to fight, and pulled
him under for about the third time in 5 seconds, He got his head above water
once more, breaking the surf, and again battled to keep away from the hangar
doors. HE looked to see how close the doors were now. Less than 6 feet, he
began swimming even more furiously, swimming away from the doors, but moving
backward towards them.
He began to realise he was never going to see his wife again, never see his
best friends again.
Never see Keto again.
Cant all be bad he figured.
As quickly as it had begun, it stopped. The water vanished, leaving Jay
laying on the hangar floor, exhausted, his feet now a mere 3 inches from the
edge of the hangar door.
He looked down his body at the gaping portal, thanking JMC for installing
atmospheric forcefields that kept the air on the right side of the door when
it was open, and thanking any diety he could think of for not being pulled
through it. As he was gazing, he saw something approaching the hangar doors.
A starbug.
He leapt to his feet and ducked aside as it gently flew past him through a
blue midget and landed safely before vanishing. Jay breathed a sigh of
relief that he had reacted so quickly as to save being hit by it.
In fairness to the ghost shuttle, it wasn't flying in an aggressive manner,
not one that would make Jay think it was attacking him, it hadnt actually
come close to hitting him, least of all because it was another INtangible
echo of a different timezone, Jay wasn't taking the chance that it might be
Moreso, he wasn't taking the chance that it was flown by Dean.
He relaxed, then from the corner of his eye, saw something hurtling toward
him. It was a tram.
Not just any tram, but a Bournemouth Yellow Tram circa 1938, that clearly,
in some point in the Blue dwarf's future
found itself hutrling across Blue Dwarf's hangar bay. Jay wasn't worried
that he didn't find this unusual, he just assumed it had something to do
with Phil.
He leapt aside, as it thundered toward him, skimming past him as it fell to
the floor, then fell straight through as though the floor wern't there.
He stood up again, and heard gun's clicking behind him, "Turn around" he
heard a voice say, so he obliged to find himself face to face with a band
of space pirates, all with rifles aimed at him. "Nighty night!" one said,
and they all opened fire, Jay in a superhuman effort leapt in every
direction possible, dodging each and every bullet within an inch, the
pirates then vanished and Jay noticed that there were no bullet holes in the
starbug behind him, which, had the bullets been solid, would be riddled. He
again began to relax, exhausted, out of breath, soaking wet and heart
He heard ANOTHER voice. "JAY CHRYSLER!!" he turned and spotted Jenny
Wildflower approaching, tears in her eyes. This was Jenny from about 3 years
ago he realised, shortly after he broekn up with her for Alota.
"HOW COULD YOU?!" she sobbed. "I thought we had something special..."
"DONT EVEN TRY TO EXPLAIN!!! MEN! You're all as bad as each other!"
Jay, didnt bother to protest, this event had been and gone. He also knew
what came next, last time Jenny had punched him. But he'd worked out that
the apparitions were once more not solid, they could not make any physical
contact with him.
Jay looked up from the floor.
He'd worked out wrong.
"Quit yo Jibba Jabba Sucka!"

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