All alone.

Who: Jenny B
where: here & there
when: there & then
"Ok guys, if you'll excuse me, this is all just a little too creepy,
i'm gonna go hide in parrotts." Jenny said, exiting from the group,
without letting them say anything like 'be careful' or 'no, stay here,
you need big strong guys to look after you!'
"stupid guys" she thought as she made her way to parrotts. "can't
they realise that girls can look after themselves?" she said, absent
mindedly stabbing a space pirate that wasn't looking with her wrist
As she walked, she took out her data pad, and ombled off towards the
bar, ready for a drink.
<tag me/chris, this post brought to you in the hopes of being able to
post a pre-meditated JP>

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