Python\'s Alternate Future

Who: Python
Where: Planet XYZ
When: A Few Months ago
Python luckily managed to run out of the prison, which was now on
fire. He was covered in scars, from being whipped so many times and
he had broken chains attached to his neck, wrists and ankles. He ran
as fast as he could so the police wouldn't notice him.
'Okay, now how do I get off this planet.' Python thought to himself.
Python noticed a bus station. Python went into the station and went
upto a ticket booth to buy a ticket.
"Hello, sir! I would like a Single Adult Ticket for the 1500 to
Mars, please!" Python asked.
The man in the ticket booth looked at Python, suspiciously. He
noticed the scars and the chains attached to Python's body.
"Are you an ex-convict by any chance?" The man asked
"Oh, no!" Python laughed. "What makes you say that?"
"Hmm...I'm afraid I will have to have you checked!" The man said,
pressing a button under his desk.
Two guards came up and grabbed each of Python's arms.
"If he is a convict, he will have a microchip in his neck." One of
the guards said.
The other guard took out a gun, which had a small screen on it. The
guard used the gun to zap the back of Python's neck. Details about
Python came up on the small screen. The guard read the details.
The guard said, "This man belongs in the prison. He was arrested for
illegal entry to this planet. He has already been in prison for 4
The other guard said, "For escaping from prison, we are taking you to
be excecuted.
"NO!" Python shriked. "Don't do that! Please! I beg of you!"
"You broke the rules! You must die." One of the guards said.
Python tried to shake out of the guard's grip. Python then booted
one of the guards in the kneecap. The guard yelled in pain and let
go of Python's arm to hold his leg. Python managed to shake his arm
out of the other guard's grip. Python then ran as fast as he could.
The two guards chased him. Python then ran into an alleyway. The
two guards ran passed the alleyway. The guards lost Python. Python
sighed in relief.
'Well, it looks like I will never leave this awful planet.' Python
Python soon became tired and fell asleep.
Who: Python, Bonzai Boy
Where: Alleyway
When: Python is asleep in the alleyway
Python had been asleep in the alleyway for a few hours now. A small
rocket came down from the sky. It crashed in the alleyway. The
noise woke Python up. Python sat up and looked at the rocket.
Bonzai Boy stepped out of the rocket. Bonzai Boy looked around and
noticed Python. Bonzai Boy approached Python.
"What the hell are you?" Python asked.
"T'm a genetically modified Bonzai Tree." Bonzai Boy answered.
"I was trying to escape from a lab and I have landed on this planet."
Bonzai Boy said.
"Well, I had an ambition to become a Universe Champion Space
Explorer, but I landed on this planet and got put in prison. I
managed to escape from prison but the law is that I can't leave this
planet with a criminal record. Now, I'm stuck on this planet and
have no way of continuing my dream to be a Space Explorer."
"What is your name?" Bonzai Boy asked.
"Python!" Python answered. "It's not my real name! I was adopted."
"You can call me Bonzai Boy." Bonzai Boy said
"Okay, then!" Python replied.
"How about we can be friends." Bonzai Boy said.
"Okay!" Python answered. "Besides, I'm going to need friends to cope
on this planet and I'm not going to be able to make any friends on
this planet."
"Hey, how about we find a way of getting off this planet." Bonzai Boy
"We can find a ship somewhere and sneak on." Bonzai Boy said.
"Good idea!" Python said.
Python stood up. Python and Bonzai Boy started walking down the
street. They went passed the Docking Station. The station was
completley empty.
"Looks like there is no way of getting out of here then." Python said.
"There will be a ship soon!" Bonzai Boy said.
"Are you sure about that?" Python asked.
Python and Bonzai Boy continued walking. They soon noticed a ship in
the distance. The ship was big and green and had lots of guns coming
out of it.
"Hey, we could go on that ship." Python said.
"Okay!" Bonzai Boy said.
They both ran upto the ship. There were soldiers guarding the ship.
They were earthling soldiers.
"Good! It's an Earth Ship!" Python said.
They ran upto one of the guards.
"Hey can we please come onto your ship?" Python begged.
"Why?" The guard asked.
"We are stranded on this evil planet and we need to escape." Python
"This is a military ship! Try someone else!" The guard said.
"Oh come on! I need to get of this planet!" Python said.
"Okay, then! But, as long as you join our army." The guard answered.
"Oh thanks!" Python and Bonzai Boy said.
Who: Python, Bonzai Boy
Where: Military Ship
When: Present Day
There was a big battle in space. Python and Bonzai Boy were in one
of the ships which was in the battle. They were shooting at enemy
ships with the giant laser guns. They were doing incredibly well
with the laser guns. They were now tough soldiers.

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