Re: That was.. unexpected....

Who: Amber, John
Where: Earth
When: 2104 (still)
--- Flashback ----
Amber woke up and rollled over only to find Keats wasn't there. She
growled and got out of bed, fishing in his wardrobe for something
more comfortable than she was wearing last night. Grabbing a slice of
coldish toast that Keats had made and not eaten earlier she upturned
the table just for a laugh and opened the door to the face of an
angry man. The burly gentleman grabbed Amber drew her close to him
and stuffed a cloth over her face. Amber began to feel woosy, her
knees buckled underneath her and she collapsed to the floor.
--- Flashforwards Slightly ---
Pain. Amber groggily came too, the sharp light in her face hurt her
eyes and she closed them again. Her head pounded and a small trail of
dried blood was stuck to the side of her face where she had fallen
and banged her head. She became aware of movement around her, she
struggled as her senses came back to her, only to find her hands and
feet tightly bound up to the chair she was sat on. It was at this
point as well she became aware of the large man stood in front of
her, he had appeared as if from nowhere.
"My name is not important." He said slowly pausing for dramatic
effect. Amber gave a wry grin and jumped in in the pause.
"So what do I call you? Not? Or Mr Important?" There was a glint in
her black eyes. The mob boss slapped Amber across the face.
"You will show respect to me, you will stay silent unless I ask you
a question, to wich you will respond and if you have to call me
anything it will be Sir. Undrestand?"
"Whatever you say Boss man." Amber said laughing. He turned away
from her.
"Seen as reason isn't her thing. Teach her a lesson boys. I have to
go get someone to finish the job." He walked out of the circle of
light and was replaced with several thugs.
--- Flashforwards ---
> "Your target John"
> "I.. I cant kill her! Not in cold blood!" He lied. He could kill in
> cold blood, but chose not to. But mainly, he didnt want to kill her
> because... because... he wasnt sure.
> "She killed our friends John, shes the target. Now its either The
> target, or you John."
Amber woke up for the third time that morning and groaned. This time
as well as her head pounding, her whole face hurt and the trail of
dried blood had been lost to fresh blood covering one side of her
face and to top it off she had a black eye already developing. Her
nanos whined with feedback slightly as the found a frequency, but
Amber ignored it as her dark eyes peered out through the gloom and
focused on the one face she knew, John Keats. He had a gun in his
hand and it was shakilly pointed at her.
"Do it Johnny boy... No use keeping a cold blodded killer like me
alive. If you don't do it, i'll be lynched back on the Blue Dwarf
anyway." She slurred half conscious, and tasted blood in her mouth
from a wound on her lips.

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