Memories flooding back?

<tagged from previous post in series>
This is a JP, brought to you by Chris (aka chris) and Jenny (aka cassy)
After seeing Johnny and Eric depart, and making sure all the
immigrants were unloaded from the QB1, Jenny turned to Chris.
"so... whats the plan?" she began. "we going back to earth, or what?"
she added, leaning against a wall.
"I dunno" he said, "Another mission might be interesting" he said
smiling slightly.
"so back to base then?" she asked, getting the data pad from her
pocket, and checking for ways they could get there from here. "hmm...
theres a transport heading that way tomorrow morning..." she said.
"thats basically our only way there, unless we uhh... borrow something."
"Do we really wanna risk a court marshal?"
She laughed, "when we're this good, we could steal a military ship and
no one would know" she said, winking, and smiling at him.
"lets go then" he said holding out a hand to Jenny.
She took it, and let him pull her from the wall. "whaddya reckon, we
gonna go discreet, and just get a small ship?" she began... "or do we
tell them we're already on a mission, and need to borrow the ship..."
she smiled evilly as she said it, eyeing up a quite large scout craft
docked just down the way from them.
"meh, go the hard way, the more mischief the better" he said,Chuckling
to himself.
"sounds good to me" she said, pulling Chris towards the scout craft.
"whaddya reckon... sneaky, or downright aggressive?" she asked,
getting her wrist blades ready.
"Sneaky" he said slowly, "more fun that way"
Jenny cracked a couple of knuckles as she pulled him behind one of the
nearby craft. one just 2 ports down from the scout ship. "well, this
is where we start" she said, looking around for a back way to get to
the military craft...
"Hey, what are you doing back there?" came a voice from a patrolman
who had just walked round the corner.
"Inspecting" said Chris, smirking, and grabbing a clipboard and pen
that so luckily happened to be there.
"whaddya mean, inspecting?" said the patrolman, who was obviously a
lowly grunt.
"I mean.....inspecting" continued Chris, "This ship is in pretty poor
shape" he commented.
"heh, yeah, tis what you get from civilian ships" answered the
patrolman. Chris then realised he was not standing next to the scout
"agreed" Chris said, making some notes on the blank piece of paper.
"where would your ship be? I'd like to inspect that as well" he said,
trying to get closer to the scout ship without arousing suspicion.
"yeah, sure, its the next ship down, but its military, so you're not
allowed on board." he said, walking off.
"well, that was easy" admitted Jenny, "easier than i thought it would
be, thank god for inept soldiers" she said, smiling.
"Oh but of course" he said smirking. He walked up to the door and
pushed, it was locked. "Honey...Do you have a credit card....or a dose
of luck virus, one or the other"
"hehe, no need for either" she said, swiping her ID card in the card
reader. "this works anywhere" she said smiling, as the door opened.
"If I had known we were gonna do that then we would've been in that
ship 2 minutes ago, I thought we were gonna do this the hard way?" he
"hey, don't forget, we've still gotta get the ship out of here" she said.
"good point." Chris said, stepping inside, the sword on his back
clipped the door frame, in a way it hadn't done for years.
"woah" he said, reaching for his blade, but his hand missed the hilt,
as if he thought he had a different sword.
"something wrong honey?" jenny asked, looking at chris' face. "you
look like you've just seen... a ghost" she said, as she got a similar
"Blue Dwarf" they both said, simultaneously, then looked at each
other. memories of their mission just passed flew through their minds
at the same time as memories from the timeline where the Dwarf wasn't
They both opened their mouths wide, almost screamed, and jumped away
from each other. Chris reached into his pocket, and pulled out a ring.
"Kanako" he whispered, a memory of her flashed through his mind. He
then looked at Jenny. Conflicting thoughts of love spiralled along
nerves in his brain.
Jenny looked at Chris. "are you ok?" she asked. Not being on the
Dwarf very long, she didn't have many memories to get through.
"yeah... i'm fine..." he said, and looked around at the ship he'd just
stepped into, It was a starbug, wit the Blue Dwarf insignia on it.
"I'll be back in a second" he said, taking a couple of steps towards a
weapons locker. Opening it, he pulled out a strange looking sword.
"Jack..." he said, "and my Gunblade".
Right at this moment, all his memories broke through the barrier, and
entered his mind, throwing him against the wall, like a river breaking
through a dam pushes everything out of its way.

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