About an hour after CK left the other engineers

Who: Python and the other engineers
Where: Engine Room/Corridors/Civilian Shelter
When: About an hour after CK left the other engineers
The engineers continued doing the work. Python realised that CK had
been gone for a while.
"Hey, guys! Haven't you noticed that CK has been gone for a while?"
Python asked.
They all agreed.
"I think I might go and find him and see if everything is okay!"
Python said.
Python left the Engine Room. He started walking down the corridors.
There was complete silence. He noticed that they were completley
empty. He looked through the doors of each of the rooms and noticed
that they were all empty.
'That's wierd!' Python thought.
A guard came from around the corner.
"What are you doing around here?" The guard asked. "You should be in
the Civilian Shelter."
"Oh, I-I-I was just....wait...What's this about a Civilian Shelter?"
"This ship is under attack!" The guard answered. "All civilians and
non-useful crewmembers are to stay in the civilian shelter!"
"I didn't know anything about this!" Python answered. "Is CK in the
Civilian Shelter?"
"Yes!" The Guard answered. "Now, come with me!"
Python followed the guard through lots of corridors, until they came
into the Civilian Shelter. The shelter was surrounded by civilians
and crew members.
"Whats going on here?" Python asked.

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