RE: [JMC_Blue_Dwarf] Issue : One hollowhip and stun gun

Who: Chris & Practically everybody else
When: During Phil's speech
Where: Wherever Phil's speech is taking place
"Groovey...This is basicaly the mark 3 holo-whip...Highley recomened for
close quarters combat...unlimted power supply...just make sure you dont hit
any live wires or you be doing an impression of mr crisppy on bonfire
<end snip>
Chris entered the room mid-way during Phil's speech, he quietly moved his
way towards the front of the group listening to Phil. He stood still when he
reached the front and listened to what was being said.
When Phil had finished what he ws saying, a quiet murmour of excitement ran
its way around the room, what they were excited about was a complete
mystery, considering the fact that they got to kill, and blow things up, on
a regular basis. After two minutes or so, the muttering was silenced by the
sound of Phil's voice.
"Any Questions?"
"Yes" said Chris, "What're the few of us that prefer to fight with swords
supposed to do exactly?" he said, gesturing down to the GunBlade at his belt
and looking round the room for Jack before rememberin that he had hung his
sword up.
<tag Phil...or anyone really>
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