Niples "Needing a psyciatrist"

Who: Seymour Niples
Where: Blue Dwarf, Ambassadorial Quarters
When: After the away team got back
Seymour grunted as he paced up and down his quarters. He was
gradually going mad. There was a war going on inside his head, one
side of him wanted to sit down quietly, read a book and sip
expensive sherry, whilst the other wanted to go to the new disco
down on E deck, meet some people and pull some birds.
"Birds" he mused to himself. "What a derogatory term!" He paced
backwards and forward, then frowned. "Derogatory? Who even says
He was worried, the conflict between his old personality and his new
personality implant had turned into a sort of multiple personality
disorder. He was even thinking about going to see a psychiatrist but
couldn't stand the thought of the smug little Cerebrum staring at
him, probing inside his mind.
He stared longingly towards his four poster bed in the other room
and sighed, that was one of the other conflicts he had in his mind.
Jenny Bond, who had stayed the night a few days ago. Sometimes he
couldn't bare the thought of seeing her again, but at the same time
really longed for another night with her.
He went for a warm shower to relax him.
Who: Engineer Karl Topping
Where: Corridor 17b/12 – near to the water recyclers
As Engineer Karl Topping walked past a water pipe, it swelled an
creaked. All water on Blue Dwarf was recycled, as there wasn't a
constant supply, and the recyclers did their best to keep the water
clean, but more often that not, small pieces of poo sometimes creep
Unluckily for Karl Topping, as he was passing a water pipe in
Corridor 17b/12, the pipe burst and he was covered in semi-recycled
water and small fragments of aforementioned poo.
Water spilled out from the pipe and Karl sighed. Being an engineer,
he knew he would probably have to fix it.
Who: Seymour
Where: In the shower
When: Same time
Seymour stood to one side and covered himself in frothy Imperial
Leather foam and then stood back under the shower jet. The water
Seymour stood there in shock as the shower head went
dead. "Typical!!!" he spat through a soap foam covered mouth. He was
covered in foam and there was no way to wash it off. He ventured out
of the shower looking like the abominable snowman and towelled
himself down.
The remaining soap on his made him slip all over the bathroom. He
skidded out and into the lounge, where he now realised that his
choice of shiny wooden paved floors was a mistake. He slipped all
over the room until he found his clothes and put them on.
If his hands hadn't been so slippy, he would have pulled his hair
out by now. Things just weren't going well for him today.
He angrily put his clothes on and slid down to the Psychiatry
department. He didn't like psychiatrists, least of all Cerebrum. But
he knew that he needed to talk to somebody, no check that- talk AT
somebody. Okay okay, shout at somebody.
He walked up to the reception, where he placed his hands on the
reception desk and slipped off.
"Can I help you sir?" Asked the receptionist.
"I need to shout at somebody." Seymour said honestly.
"Ahh, I see." Said the woman, "Well you're not shouting at me, and I
don't think Dr Cerebrum would like that so… I'll book you an
appointment with Dr Th'Sane."
"Who?" Asked Seymour.
"Th'Sane, Wannie Th'Sane" said a voice beside Seymour. Seymour
"Bloody hell!" Said The Ambassador. Looking at Th'sane's hair, which
was conservative blue, which was spiked straight down the middle of
his head.
"Your shower not working either?" Asked Seymour. Th'sane looked
confused. But shrugged and shook Seymours soapy hand, which slid
greasily out of his grip.
"Please mister…" started Th'sane.
"-AMBASSADOR" Cut in Seymour.
"Okay, Ambassador Nipples"
"-Niples" Seymour said.
"Please come into my office."
Seymour strolled into his office.
<Tag to Wannie Th'Sane if you'd like to carry this on?>

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