Asleep? Nah, just resting me eyes!

"WHAT THE HELL!?" Shouted out Lawrence Trisees, sitting bolt upright
in the makeshift bed that Doctor Charles Keto and Rufus Cleavage had
created for him during his unfortunate body loss.
He sat up so quickly that unfortunately the bed's already fragile
base shattered, sending his extraordinarily heavy body forwards and
onto the floor, where his face connected with the opposite wall.
"For just once could I live in a world that isn't a slapstick
comedy?!" he shouted out loudly at the sky. That was when Trisees
stopped yelling and noticed a few different things.
The first was that he could feel his right arm shaking violently
towards the sky. That was unusual in that he'd lost his right arm
over a year ago, and he hadn't felt it shaking ever since. He'd had
pangs of withdrawal at no arm, but to actually feel it was something
entirely different.
The second was that his legs were now splayed out in front of him
and just like his arm he had had no legs to feel moving. They'd been
attached, but they'd been damaged and were as useless as Wildflower in
a medical conference.
Speaking of which, he hadn't seen that wreck of a trainee surgeon in
a long time either. He began wondering where she was till the
nightmare he'd been experiencing flashed it's way back into his mind
and he got to his feet panicked. Rufus, his watcher during Trisees
seemingly never ending coma, had awoken at the sound of Trisees's
shouting and was sitting back in his chair, barely able to contain his
surprise and excitement at the scientist's wakening.
The coma had come as a direct result of the makeshift surgery he and
Keto had performed on the scientist in attaching specially crafted
robotic legs and a right arm to the commander''s body. Keto had
feared after a few months that Trisees would never egain consciousness
"Sir!" he said happily.
"Rufus! Quick!" said Trisees, hitting the door open with his arm
and marvelling and his technological prowess as the metal crumbled
like biscuit.
"What, commander?" asked Rufus.
"We have to save them! We have to get them out of there!!"
"Who?" asked Rufus, exasperated.
"Shakespeare and Coffey!"
<to be continued>

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